*ALL OR NOTHING* thinking IS your GREATEST enemy wrt your diet/indulgences during this 'week before Christmas.' You know, the "I will not have lunch, so I can have dessert, and wine at the office party." Or the, I will skip breakfast, to "save room for dessert," and there are many creative ways we can come up with to mess up our hormonal balance, and physiological responses.
To really have a good time, which you should, and don't worry about 2012 for now either, just REALLY be HERE in the NOW, here are a few simple things to help you:
*Eat breakfast + take your VITAMINS every morning
*Keep eating small meals every few hours, that are balanced with CARB/PRO/FAT in each of them
*Drink 2-4 L of water every day
This way you take charge of your hormones, your cravings, and how you feel. In turn, your experiences ARE going to be [much more] enjoyable, and full of awareness in, and of the season, as it should be :)
To leave you on a positive note wrt the idea of *ALL OR NOTHING* , check out this video, one of my fav's:
LifeStyle Entrepreneur ✧ Coach ✧ Private Personal Trainer Yoga ✧ Wellness ✧ Healthy Nutrition + Lifestyle
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
84 /90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
84 /90 of Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
One last week, I can’t believe we came THIS far, all together, almost 13 full weeks!!!!! I am so grateful for you, my role models and inspirations and followers and friends.... my first group of contenders. I want this week to really go WELL for you. First things first; if you have not already done so, sign up for a FREE profile on TRUESTAR: http://TRUESTAR.TV where I want you to create your own customized NUTRITION plan or DIET for this week.
This is important to ensure you get to Christmas feeling GREAT, so that you CAN and WILL enjoy your dinners, brunches etc, together with friends, family, loved ones etc. All while not stressing about calories, not feeling guilty, nothing like that; only pure enjoyment. This is how it will work.
When you sign up for your FREE profile on http://TRUESTAR.TV and create your own customized NUTRITION plan or DIET for this week, you will see that there will be dozens of options for fast, nutritious, perfectly balanced breakfast options. I want you to ZONE in on these. You know this by now that the stronger the start to your day the stronger the finish, and the stronger each following day WILL be. Make sure this week, besides waking up 30 minutes earlier for that power workout, you have breakfast. This will balance out your energy and blood sugar level, and when you get to face the cookies and other festive temptations you will be able to say ‘no’ to them, or simply have just a bite or few, to taste, not to over indulge. Hormonally balanced meals ARE the key to success in the body game…. More next year, we are not stopping here.
Beat the week, before it beats you. You have all you need. Enjoy this week!!
Love love love…..
Thursday, December 08, 2011
74 /90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
74/90 of Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
One way to cope is to use pre-made, customized plans for you, for nutrition and exercise. This way taking out ALL the guess work. All you have to do is spend 15 minutes the night before, prepare and line up your delicious meals, and another 15 before work to exercise. That is it. This way, you can enjoy everything the Holiday Season has to offer, and never have to worry about the exercise, the healthy breakfast etc. you *know* you should have had... Go to TRUESTAR Health for all your needs to get you up and on with a customized plan for you. Also, while there, check out TRUESTAR's award winning vitamins and organic supplements to really tweak your performance.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Day 57/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
57/90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
Those people who look great, carry themselves with strength, grace, and ease, all know the secret. Those, who seem to 'own the room' as they enter, they are alert, they always seem to have energy, use better language, better word choices etc. share one thing in common: they care about themselves. They know they need to fuel their days, their performance the right way: through movement.
The most successful people are likely to exercise first thing in the morning. They get a strong start, they energize and focus first thing in the morning, while the majority is still snoozing. The winners are already up paving the way to the success of the given day--no matter what. They have trained themselves, their minds, their bodies to wake up earlier, work out with intensity, and get out there to seize the day.
Are you one of them? If not, start today. Check out TRUESTAR Health for all your needs to get you up and on with a customized plan for you. Also, while there, check out TRUESTAR's award winning vitamins and organic supplements to really tweak your performance.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Day 50/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
50/90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
With the weather cooling down, we are naturally more drawn to sugary foods for comfort and quick energy. Which, is most cases, is not so smart. In addition to causing weight gain, refined flours and sugars can suppress immune-system function. Ie. with flus and colds being more frequent in the air, indulging in more white sugar (cookies, pop, candy, etc.), you're creating the perfect environment for illness to strike.
Turn to naturally occurring sugars found in fruit for some sweetness. If you crave chocolate, go for dark chocolate(minimum 70 per cent cocoa), which contains plant phenols that have been shown to lower blood pressure. Cut up squares and store them in your freezer. Grab one or two when you need a sweet treat.
Even better, try TRUELean Extreme, the Multi Vitamin & Mineral formula, that also supports weight & fat-loss, controls cravings, supports metabolism, so you are *armed* in the face of all temptations-with an edge :)
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Day 45/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
45/90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
This is the 45th day, and we are officially at the mid-point. How is it going so far? Are you on track, ahead, behind, where you want to be?
This is the perfect time to reassess where you are right now, refine, or redefine the goal at the end point, and see what the steps need to be taken, to get from NOW to day 90, and achieve the goals you set for yourself.
Please make great use of the World's #1 ranked Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle website, Truestar Health, and create customized meal, exercise, supplement, even attitude, and sleep plans, to ensure you will be completely set on the next 6 weeks.
Are you still in it to win it? I sure hope so. Because...
nothing has changed.....
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Day 38/90 of Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
38/90 of the Mission, 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
Time for a Holiday Attitude detox: November 1st is the official start of the Holidays, the battle against the bulge, the temptations, the added pounds begins. We start running on empty in no time, and have less and less chance to be fully present, and enjoy the weeks leading up to some of the best times of the year.
To help you stay on track during the Holidays, I have a great solution for you: the TRUESTAR Attitude Plan. It is never about the temptations, they are all around. It is about your Attitude towards the temptations, that holds the key to your solution, to cruise through al the Jazz. Get on TRUESTAR.com, and create a FREE profile.
Design your own TRUESTAR Attitude Plan. Show those temptations who Da Boss IS!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Day 26/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Day 25/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
25/90 of the Mission, 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
I have met with some amazing very successful people recently. One key thing I immediately registered in my heart and mind, was something they all had in common. That is, when they set out to something, anything, great, they NEVER go in, to 'see how things would go.' Rather, they always, ALWAYS, go FULL-IN. Is THIS how you approach this challenge? What about the rest of your life?
Commit to your success FULL-IN! Visit TRUESTAR for the highest level supplements available in North America, to create the right action plan FOR you!!!! Use code 551066 to qualify for an immediate discount from your ENTIRE purchase. If you need assistance, please contact me to assist in finding your perfect match. I am here to help as always.
I have met with some amazing very successful people recently. One key thing I immediately registered in my heart and mind, was something they all had in common. That is, when they set out to something, anything, great, they NEVER go in, to 'see how things would go.' Rather, they always, ALWAYS, go FULL-IN. Is THIS how you approach this challenge? What about the rest of your life?
Commit to your success FULL-IN! Visit TRUESTAR for the highest level supplements available in North America, to create the right action plan FOR you!!!! Use code 551066 to qualify for an immediate discount from your ENTIRE purchase. If you need assistance, please contact me to assist in finding your perfect match. I am here to help as always.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Day 23/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
23/90 of the Mission, 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
I was sneaking a peak at John C Maxwell's new book: The 5 levels of Leadership:
Maxwell's premise of leadership is of influence. Substitute the word leadership, to wellness. I.e. a person's ability to influence determines their level of leadership. Influence is a learned skill, so is your level of health. You can realte that to the successful lifestyle one learns to lead, in terms of healthy choices, that ultimately produce a happy and healthy life. The key here is that success IS a learned behavior, whether of business, or lifestyle.
No matter what level of health you may be living at the current moment, you can learn anew, you can change that, the minute you decide. There is help, resources, mentors, coaches, and numerous different resources available for you if you are serious about a healthy lifestyle.
I LOVE the concept: Influence = Leadership. The quality and level of your authentic choices will determine the quality of your influence, hence the quality of your leadership you command in your life. INFLUENCE is one's authenticity bluntly and fearlessly put on the outside, for the whole world to see...feel....and be touched by.
Nothing has changed......
Friday, October 14, 2011
Day 22/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
22/90 of the Mission, 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
Time to take yourself seriously. Just 22 days ago, you joined, and you PROMISED to you, to me, to 100 other participants, and who knows how many more, who are the silent visitors of our FB PAGE, that you were going to work for 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack.'
How is that promise looking, is it getting stronger by the day, is it shaping up, is it gaining momentum, or did you completely let it slip through your fingers.
Reality is, I don't need to know what is going on, you do. I am here, of course, keeping my end of the promise alive.
No matter where you are at, you must take a reality check:
*Assess where you are
*Be honest and truthful
*Be real
Choose what is important, not what is convenient.
Make sure your plan is set for the week:
*Get your foods in order
*Make sure your supplements are in order (i.e. your Advanced GREENS Plus), and you are TAKING them!!!
*Ensure your life, everything in it, IS in support of your mission
*KNOW what you will do, should anything come up unexpected
*Have a plan, not drama
Nothing has changed.....
Time to take yourself seriously. Just 22 days ago, you joined, and you PROMISED to you, to me, to 100 other participants, and who knows how many more, who are the silent visitors of our FB PAGE, that you were going to work for 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack.'
How is that promise looking, is it getting stronger by the day, is it shaping up, is it gaining momentum, or did you completely let it slip through your fingers.
Reality is, I don't need to know what is going on, you do. I am here, of course, keeping my end of the promise alive.
No matter where you are at, you must take a reality check:
*Assess where you are
*Be honest and truthful
*Be real
Choose what is important, not what is convenient.
Make sure your plan is set for the week:
*Get your foods in order
*Make sure your supplements are in order (i.e. your Advanced GREENS Plus), and you are TAKING them!!!
*Ensure your life, everything in it, IS in support of your mission
*KNOW what you will do, should anything come up unexpected
*Have a plan, not drama
If you require anything further, a closer look at what you are doing, an assessment, one-on-one help, a meal plan, or a training plan, shoot me an email to monkovacs@gmail.com. If it is coaching, that you need, to help you stay on track, and true to the promise you made, again, I am only an email away.
Stay focused on the power of your PROMISE. Because you were born to succeed.
Nothing has changed.....
Day 19/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
19/90 of the Mission, 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
How would your life be different, if this time around you kept your promise you made to yourself a mere 19 days ago: i.e. that you would follow through your 90 day commitment to your own six pack. This really means committing to a goal of eating healthy and sensibly, exercising following a plan, and facing the truth of your choices, that, up until now have kept you away from living in and with the body and physical condition that would make you happy, truly happy.
I challenge you to re-visit the promise, and spend some time contemplating it, and get truthful about how you treat your promise. Because THAT is how you treat your highest goals, your highest existence. That is how you treat YOU.
Time to get back on track, choose good meals, get your supplements, (i.e. your
Nothing has changed.....
How would your life be different, if this time around you kept your promise you made to yourself a mere 19 days ago: i.e. that you would follow through your 90 day commitment to your own six pack. This really means committing to a goal of eating healthy and sensibly, exercising following a plan, and facing the truth of your choices, that, up until now have kept you away from living in and with the body and physical condition that would make you happy, truly happy.
I challenge you to re-visit the promise, and spend some time contemplating it, and get truthful about how you treat your promise. Because THAT is how you treat your highest goals, your highest existence. That is how you treat YOU.
Time to get back on track, choose good meals, get your supplements, (i.e. your
Advanced GREENS Plus), if you require a meal, training plan, shoot me an email to monkovacs@gmail.com. If it is coaching that you need to help you stay on track, and true to the promise you made, again, I am only an email away.
Stay focused on the power of your PROMISE.
Nothing has changed.....
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Day 18/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
18/90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
This is the 18th day, and it is the 13th. You know how I feel about the number 13: http://monikakovacs.blogspot.com/2011/10/day-1390-mission-your-2011-christmas.html
".... is exactly like your inner power. Are you afraid of it? Are you in touch with it? Are you aware of it, and able to consciously use it, for your own benefit? "
Are you still in it to win it?
Nothing has changed.....
This is the 18th day, and it is the 13th. You know how I feel about the number 13: http://monikakovacs.blogspot.c
".... is exactly like your inner power. Are you afraid of it? Are you in touch with it? Are you aware of it, and able to consciously use it, for your own benefit? "
Are you still in it to win it?
Nothing has changed.....
6 packs,
personal training,
raw food,
six pack,
weight loss,
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Day 16/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
16/90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
This is the third week of the challenge, with some momentum under your belt. No matter your current mind-state, you must know that you HAVE what it takes, because you have completed over two full weeks. Check your progress, acknowledge the strengths, assess the shortcomings, and plan the week. KNOW what day is what workout, make sure to schedule rest days. Time to recover is as important ad the time to give your all. Have an awesome 16th day!!!!!
This is the third week of the challenge, with some momentum under your belt. No matter your current mind-state, you must know that you HAVE what it takes, because you have completed over two full weeks. Check your progress, acknowledge the strengths, assess the shortcomings, and plan the week. KNOW what day is what workout, make sure to schedule rest days. Time to recover is as important ad the time to give your all. Have an awesome 16th day!!!!!
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Day 13/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
13/90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
13 is my favourite number. For me, it holds a kind of power. I.e. the power of, 'do whatever you feel is best' with it. The number 13, typically holds mystery. It is the symbol of the unknown. Hence, the number 13 brings with it, the temptation to react and resent it in fear. It also holds the allure of curiosity, that is asking your inner power to 'stay with it,' move towards it, into it, until you reveal it. That is exactly like your inner power. Are you afraid of it? Are you in touch with it? Are you aware of it, and able to consciously use it, for your own benefit?
On this day, day 13, I challenge you to tap into your deepest potential, and yank it onto the surface. Time to team up with the best within. You can do it! Actually, you have been doing it!!!!
Nothing has changed.....
13 is my favourite number. For me, it holds a kind of power. I.e. the power of, 'do whatever you feel is best' with it. The number 13, typically holds mystery. It is the symbol of the unknown. Hence, the number 13 brings with it, the temptation to react and resent it in fear. It also holds the allure of curiosity, that is asking your inner power to 'stay with it,' move towards it, into it, until you reveal it. That is exactly like your inner power. Are you afraid of it? Are you in touch with it? Are you aware of it, and able to consciously use it, for your own benefit?
On this day, day 13, I challenge you to tap into your deepest potential, and yank it onto the surface. Time to team up with the best within. You can do it! Actually, you have been doing it!!!!
Nothing has changed.....
Friday, October 07, 2011
Day 12/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
12/90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
GAME-CHANGER-ATTITUDE ADVICE: * BE * the diamond in the rough. So you do not have to be looking for it, you will just recognize the ones like you!!!!!!
Are you looking for the HOW to do this game of 'Six pack?' Are you wondering how to succeed? Are you causing yourself anxiety by simply thinking there are still 79 days left, and you are already feeling overwhelmed, ready to quit?
Make it easy: BE the success you are looking to achieve..... STEP INTO the picture. It is not easy, nor glamorous. But boy is it doable. You better believe it!!!! You better BE it !!!!!
GAME-CHANGER-ATTITUDE ADVICE: * BE * the diamond in the rough. So you do not have to be looking for it, you will just recognize the ones like you!!!!!!
Are you looking for the HOW to do this game of 'Six pack?' Are you wondering how to succeed? Are you causing yourself anxiety by simply thinking there are still 79 days left, and you are already feeling overwhelmed, ready to quit?
Make it easy: BE the success you are looking to achieve..... STEP INTO the picture. It is not easy, nor glamorous. But boy is it doable. You better believe it!!!! You better BE it !!!!!
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Dear Mr. apple
Steve Jobs, or, Mr. apple, a pioneer of our time, a true visionary passed today. Within minutes of the news, public pledges to remember this amazing man's legacy filled the twitter, Facebook, and other social media lines.
Being as intuitive as I am, I was one of the people, who felt very sad, out of the blue, about five minutes before receiving the news. I literally felt tears filling my eyes while driving, without explanation (I was grateful, that I was in the privacy of my own vehicle). I thought I was just over tired, hence overly emotional, after a lengthy day. Then a message appeared on my phone: #RIP Steve jobs. I exclaimed in shock. I felt the tears run down my face. My throat was tight. I felt the same sensation, when I learned of the death of Michael Jackson, two years ago. I LOVE both of these men. They were true heroes of our times, they created, and stood-for, and 'in,' their legacy. I admired both--their heart, their passion, their fire--their unique expression of their deepest desires finding voice, made available for the world, to share-into.
I remember when I was about 14 years old, and I got my first walkman and audio tapes of Michael Jackson. I was on cloud nine. From that moment on I only loved that man more by the day. Same can be said, for, when I switched over to MAC, and I fell in love with everything technological from that point forward, not to mention the sense of possibilities available for us all--if we only believe in dreams.
The death of Mr. apple, to me, is not a call to remember of what was great, as a result of one man voicing his own 'yes,' who decided to live-out his own dream. Rather, for me, this milestone in history, is the nudge, the call for greater awareness, to LIVE the appreciation of all forms of greatness, while it is alive, and present with-us, for-us, in the NOW, and carry THAT appreciation on, when the time comes for transferring over.
Feel, and appreciate every moment of greatness in the present. Be open and receiving of all the gifts life has to offer, deeper, fuller, and more open. Use such loss, to commit to an even better life for you; higher choices, better habits, more refined life standards. To release even more of the sorrow in our every day lives, the people, whose presence clouds the sunshine rays of the love that bursts from my ehart, and the same channel that is always open to receive the Universal magnificence.
Live in the now, acknowledging, celebrating greatness as we have it, when we have it, and carry the legacy of heroism in your heart, that, in turn would make way to your own.
Being as intuitive as I am, I was one of the people, who felt very sad, out of the blue, about five minutes before receiving the news. I literally felt tears filling my eyes while driving, without explanation (I was grateful, that I was in the privacy of my own vehicle). I thought I was just over tired, hence overly emotional, after a lengthy day. Then a message appeared on my phone: #RIP Steve jobs. I exclaimed in shock. I felt the tears run down my face. My throat was tight. I felt the same sensation, when I learned of the death of Michael Jackson, two years ago. I LOVE both of these men. They were true heroes of our times, they created, and stood-for, and 'in,' their legacy. I admired both--their heart, their passion, their fire--their unique expression of their deepest desires finding voice, made available for the world, to share-into.
I remember when I was about 14 years old, and I got my first walkman and audio tapes of Michael Jackson. I was on cloud nine. From that moment on I only loved that man more by the day. Same can be said, for, when I switched over to MAC, and I fell in love with everything technological from that point forward, not to mention the sense of possibilities available for us all--if we only believe in dreams.
The death of Mr. apple, to me, is not a call to remember of what was great, as a result of one man voicing his own 'yes,' who decided to live-out his own dream. Rather, for me, this milestone in history, is the nudge, the call for greater awareness, to LIVE the appreciation of all forms of greatness, while it is alive, and present with-us, for-us, in the NOW, and carry THAT appreciation on, when the time comes for transferring over.
Feel, and appreciate every moment of greatness in the present. Be open and receiving of all the gifts life has to offer, deeper, fuller, and more open. Use such loss, to commit to an even better life for you; higher choices, better habits, more refined life standards. To release even more of the sorrow in our every day lives, the people, whose presence clouds the sunshine rays of the love that bursts from my ehart, and the same channel that is always open to receive the Universal magnificence.
Live in the now, acknowledging, celebrating greatness as we have it, when we have it, and carry the legacy of heroism in your heart, that, in turn would make way to your own.
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A hero is not somebody you follow. A true hero is somebody who, through her ideas and accomplishments, puts you in command of your own destiny. ~Dr. M.J. Hurd |
Day 5/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
5/90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
Wow! 76 members and couting.... I want more daring souls and willing bodies !Almost one full week done. Stay focused on what you DID get done, and as much as you did. DO YOUR BEST Forget the rest. DO EVEN BETTER NEXT !!!!
Get the right start! Go ADVANCED !
Wow! 76 members and couting.... I want more daring souls and willing bodies !Almost one full week done. Stay focused on what you DID get done, and as much as you did. DO YOUR BEST Forget the rest. DO EVEN BETTER NEXT !!!!
Get the right start! Go ADVANCED !
Day 1/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
1/90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
1/90 you know what they say about the most important step of a new journey: the 1st ONE! Welcome. I am so excited to share the next 90 days and see what we
1/90 you know what they say about the most important step of a new journey: the 1st ONE! Welcome. I am so excited to share the next 90 days and see what we
Day 2/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
2/90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
Day 2 on a new journey. I only have half a dozen pics/stats. It is important to make your commitment clear and with an impact. Posting your pics and stats is like STATING your intention, claiming your mission.....that will allow you to follow through, and be able to deal with all parts of the journey. Get the focus muscles warmed up, and get a strong start everyone!
Day 2 on a new journey. I only have half a dozen pics/stats. It is important to make your commitment clear and with an impact. Posting your pics and stats is like STATING your intention, claiming your mission.....that will allow you to follow through, and be able to deal with all parts of the journey. Get the focus muscles warmed up, and get a strong start everyone!
Day 4/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
4/90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
You have done 4 full days, the weekend is right around the corner. I want you to KNOW that, and start planning ahead like you would for a special date: What will you do? Where will you go? What will you wear? How will you wear your hair? Is he picking you up? Or for guys, are you going to get her? If so, are you bringing her flowers? Are you going to her door, or just call her let her know you are outside? Will you stay out late? Will you be drinking? Will you go back home together..... You get it...... Plan ahead, have an idea, and commit to have an amazing time. Commit to act to serve your happiness, and commit to provide respectful amazing experience for yourself and for your date. If you think THIS far....it is harder to screw things up. You get it..... do the same with your weekend. DO not give in !!!! DO NOT GIVE UP !!!!
You have done 4 full days, the weekend is right around the corner. I want you to KNOW that, and start planning ahead like you would for a special date: What will you do? Where will you go? What will you wear? How will you wear your hair? Is he picking you up? Or for guys, are you going to get her? If so, are you bringing her flowers? Are you going to her door, or just call her let her know you are outside? Will you stay out late? Will you be drinking? Will you go back home together..... You get it...... Plan ahead, have an idea, and commit to have an amazing time. Commit to act to serve your happiness, and commit to provide respectful amazing experience for yourself and for your date. If you think THIS far....it is harder to screw things up. You get it..... do the same with your weekend. DO not give in !!!! DO NOT GIVE UP !!!!
Day 3/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
3/90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
Day 3 seems to have picked up some momentum! Wow, we have more pics, more traffic, and more people. 72 so far are pledged to take it to the end. Remember this is a word you make for you, I am here to hold the space for you....but if you decide to quit, you cannot come back. No exceptions! Have a sweet night all ! Thursday should be a tough cookie day for you all....
Day 3 seems to have picked up some momentum! Wow, we have more pics, more traffic, and more people. 72 so far are pledged to take it to the end. Remember this is a word you make for you, I am here to hold the space for you....but if you decide to quit, you cannot come back. No exceptions! Have a sweet night all ! Thursday should be a tough cookie day for you all....
Day 6/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
6/90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
As Lincoln said to a young man who aspired to be a lawyer, “If you are resolutely determined to make a lawyer of yourself, the thing is more than half done already. Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.” How about you.....how determined are you to get your Six Pack ? YOU CHOOSE !!! xo
As Lincoln said to a young man who aspired to be a lawyer, “If you are resolutely determined to make a lawyer of yourself, the thing is more than half done already. Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.” How about you.....how determined are you to get your Six Pack ? YOU CHOOSE !!! xo
Day 7/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
7/90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
How is it going everyone? Use today, the reminder of it, as time for you. REFLECT on the first "7" get ready for the 2nd. Spend 7 minutes, write down what worked what did not. Reflect on it. Make adjustments for the second 7, if necessary. I can't wait to hear your feedback ! I love you all. Happy Sunday!
How is it going everyone? Use today, the reminder of it, as time for you. REFLECT on the first "7" get ready for the 2nd. Spend 7 minutes, write down what worked what did not. Reflect on it. Make adjustments for the second 7, if necessary. I can't wait to hear your feedback ! I love you all. Happy Sunday!
Day 8/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
8/90 Happy Monday!!!!! Let's take ownership. We haver 87 willing movers + shakers + dancers + climbers ..... Very cool. Only 13 short of the 100 I wanted initially. Take ownership of your effort. Rise your commitment AND your SUCCESS rate and create some ripple effect: Please, everyone, ask 2 people close to you, and make them commit too.... THIS will give you a lot of strength and sense of responsibility. What it takes to invite someone to change their lives, and see the commitment through with them, is indescribable, and very rewarding. Let's create the ripple effect. Boost your efforts: try my newest obsession, 'Advanced Greens plus'.
Not only is this a vitamin and antioxidant superFOOD, it also will help detox your system, which is essential for any fat break down process. More to come on this subject in the coming weeks for sure. Grab your bottle, and get taking it, within a week/two, you should be feeling a lot better
Not only is this a vitamin and antioxidant superFOOD, it also will help detox your system, which is essential for any fat break down process. More to come on this subject in the coming weeks for sure. Grab your bottle, and get taking it, within a week/two, you should be feeling a lot better
Day 9/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
9/90 of the Mission, 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
You should feel strength in your pursuit.
You have already learned some important things about yourself in week 1.
What is it?
Raise your awareness.
Become really aware of yourself, what you are doing, thinking, feeling, what you are doing, why you are doing it....
What influences, how and why.
Be aware this week.
This is for you, to say yes, and keep it!!!!!!
You should feel strength in your pursuit.
You have already learned some important things about yourself in week 1.
What is it?
Raise your awareness.
Become really aware of yourself, what you are doing, thinking, feeling, what you are doing, why you are doing it....
What influences, how and why.
Be aware this week.
This is for you, to say yes, and keep it!!!!!!
Day 10/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
10 /90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
Half way point into the second week, how ARE you doing?
I was again discussing some feedback from people consulted, as to what happened *to* them, and as a result, they had no choice but to not follow through. Say what??!!!!!! What a shame, to self-proclaimed victimhood, because life got tough on you? It is human to lose sight of the vision, to be tired, to be exhausted, to be broke, to eb broken up with, to have ill children, to have lost a job..... That is all STUFF, you, the YOU is still untouched!!!! Revise, and stay on track. Keep growing, working, strengthening, happy'ing, rising over and above it all. When you do *this* you will be grateful for all the *stuff* for they gave way to the better, newer, stronger, sexier, and so much better you!!!!!
Keep on honouring your commitment and stay through the full 90 days, or a few days short of you joined in later. Stay meeting your commitment to stay on track every day.....it is just eating, exercise and you.... The rest of your life isnt asked to change.....even though it WILL radically transform!!!!! Wait and see!
PS - Remember the challenge upgrade: if you decide to quit, you can't come back !
Half way point into the second week, how ARE you doing?
I was again discussing some feedback from people consulted, as to what happened *to* them, and as a result, they had no choice but to not follow through. Say what??!!!!!! What a shame, to self-proclaimed victimhood, because life got tough on you? It is human to lose sight of the vision, to be tired, to be exhausted, to be broke, to eb broken up with, to have ill children, to have lost a job..... That is all STUFF, you, the YOU is still untouched!!!! Revise, and stay on track. Keep growing, working, strengthening, happy'ing, rising over and above it all. When you do *this* you will be grateful for all the *stuff* for they gave way to the better, newer, stronger, sexier, and so much better you!!!!!
Keep on honouring your commitment and stay through the full 90 days, or a few days short of you joined in later. Stay meeting your commitment to stay on track every day.....it is just eating, exercise and you.... The rest of your life isnt asked to change.....even though it WILL radically transform!!!!! Wait and see!
PS - Remember the challenge upgrade: if you decide to quit, you can't come back !
Monday, October 03, 2011
The perfect marriage
I see marriage as the highest level bond between two people. Why? I see the two merging not only physically, but also at every level of their beings completely. Let's say he is a business shark. She learns of his skills, she knows his being. She can tell by the sheer knowing and awareness of him when he is on, or off, what he may needs at the time, and in trust and respect always always communicate what he needs, as he needs to him. She is a pioneer of life, of the creative arts of being human, and a good oen at that. She loves their children. He knows her, he know her strengths and her weaknesses. He knows she does not need to be told what to do, but her fire needs his power, in order to burn in powerful steady flames of life force. He learned the means and ways to bud in with a word, a suggestion, an act, or the wordless act of physically being there for her, to take over, whilest she can go within and recover her own life force. This is the perfect dance of the two, never above, or beyond the other. Always an equal, in their own unique mixture of ever-growing individual expression of the Universal perfection....of life's yearning of its becoming of itself.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Advanced Greens Plus
Our “Advanced GREENS Plus” is the most complete greens supplement there is.With over 70 different fruits, vegetables, and vitamin SUPERFOODS there simplyisn’t anything more you can want! Our quality greens powder can help with digestion,detoxifying the body, as well as being anti-inflammatory by nature and packed fullof probiotics. All this in addition to the fact that one serving of Advanced GREENS Plusis the equivalent of 10 servings of vegetables!
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Pregnancy is not a disease
Pregnancy is not a disease, it is a chance to celebrate life--even if it is a challenging, or difficult one. DO NOT accept limitations put on you. Challenge yourself, and your body, for them to be able to support you through the pregnancy at their best, healthiest, strongest, and most loving possible.
Ask your heart what it needs, to support the new life inside better, and your ability to give the baby new, nurturing, lively, and loving home?
Ask your heart what it needs, to fuel the life force of LOVE, through you, to your baby?
Ask your spirit to see what it needs of you to allow for its' presence greater than ever?
While it may not appear so at first, in reality, THIS is the perfect opportunity for you to give, to give of you, the best of you. This is your greatest chance TO be SO much more LOVE than you ever knew how to be before. THIS is also the greatest opportunity to come closer together with your partner, than ever before; despite the fact that the natural tendency may be to distance, for fear, and not knowing what to do. The good news, neither of you knows--but you can figure it out easier together. Dear partner, you are needed--more than ever. THIS is the situation that needs you BOTH !!!!!! This is one of the greatest opportunities to break through, and into a much deeper, and better life--where you will ultimately do nothing but celebrate.
Ask your heart what it needs, to support the new life inside better, and your ability to give the baby new, nurturing, lively, and loving home?
Ask your heart what it needs, to fuel the life force of LOVE, through you, to your baby?
Ask your spirit to see what it needs of you to allow for its' presence greater than ever?
While it may not appear so at first, in reality, THIS is the perfect opportunity for you to give, to give of you, the best of you. This is your greatest chance TO be SO much more LOVE than you ever knew how to be before. THIS is also the greatest opportunity to come closer together with your partner, than ever before; despite the fact that the natural tendency may be to distance, for fear, and not knowing what to do. The good news, neither of you knows--but you can figure it out easier together. Dear partner, you are needed--more than ever. THIS is the situation that needs you BOTH !!!!!! This is one of the greatest opportunities to break through, and into a much deeper, and better life--where you will ultimately do nothing but celebrate.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Girl Vs. Woman
Girl: when you look at her, you are going for her, knowing you will get exactly what you see 'of' her, on the outside.
Woman: When you see her, you are drawn to her, by what seems like a magnetic force. It is , as if, inside you, something is called alive in an instant; and the only think you know, is that, YOU 'have to know' more of her, you have to have her.
Woman: When you see her, you are drawn to her, by what seems like a magnetic force. It is , as if, inside you, something is called alive in an instant; and the only think you know, is that, YOU 'have to know' more of her, you have to have her.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Secret to having a GREAT day
When I am having a less than GREAT day, it is because somewhere, somehow, I forgot to be kind to myself. Think about it. If your kids make you mad on a given day, easier and faster than they normally would, if you pause and retract, it is very likely, that you will find, that you have shortcut yourself, one way, or another, leading up to your most recent experiences.
If your lover seems less-loving, or, if you feel less drawn to them, it is likely, that you put yourself after something, or someone, less important than you, prior to the personal experience you have had. Hence you feel the love cut off in your current encounter. This is true, even if you have overlooked your lover behaving in a less than loving way, towards you. That in turn, resulted in your feeling hurt at the present moment. The source of the present pain came about, because your self-love was under valued to something outside of yourself.
If at work, your satisfaction tipped towards the lower end of the scale, it is also likely due to the fact that, you guessed, you have let yourself come, best case scenario, second, or worse.
Always, in any encounter, choose you [first]. Be kind to you [first]; and watch the world be unconditionally kind to you in return. A great book to check out to learn more, or to enhance this process is, 'LOVING WHAT IS' by Byron Katie:
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Thought of the day ........
I think I am ready to let this go.
I am ready to let this be.
No pressure.
No deadline.
Nothing like that.
I am ready to let this go;
Let it be whatever it may be.
No holding back.
No pressure.
No navigation.
No manipulation....
I am ready to begin to let this happen.
It is not my job to make it happen.
My job is to hold the awareness, respect the awareness.
The rest is up to You.
I am ready to let this be.
No pressure.
No deadline.
Nothing like that.
I am ready to let this go;
Let it be whatever it may be.
No holding back.
No pressure.
No navigation.
No manipulation....
I am ready to begin to let this happen.
It is not my job to make it happen.
My job is to hold the awareness, respect the awareness.
The rest is up to You.
Friday, August 26, 2011
I give my all
'Giving my all,' is natural and authentic for me. I want to give my all, to people, and places, I value. For, as long as, I feel it is valued, and I am fulfilled in the experience. When it is time to grow and go, I grow and go. Such is life.
With love,
With love,
Monday, August 22, 2011
YOU CAN create an exceptional LIFE
For countless people, the words of Louise Hay have served as a beacon, leading them out of the darkness of despair and into the light of a better life. Cheryl Richardson is one of the many individuals whom Louise has greatly influenced . . . before going on to become a best-selling author herself.
So what happens when these two combine their collective wisdom into one book?
The result is what you're now holding in your hands. As Louise and Cheryl engage in a series of empowering and intimate conversations, you'll feel as if you're simultaneously having lunch with your best friends and also attending a master class put on by two leaders of the self-empowerment movement.
As they travel throughout North America and Europe together, Louise and Cheryl discuss a wide range of topics, including the importance of loving ourselves and our bodies; aging consciously; bringing true prosperity and abundance to the world; manifesting positive relationships-both with family and friends and in the workplace; and facing death in a dignified and peaceful way.
These two amazing women are living proof that the spiritual principles they discuss in these pages really work. As you read, you'll discover that you, too, have the ability to create an exceptional life!
So what happens when these two combine their collective wisdom into one book?
The result is what you're now holding in your hands. As Louise and Cheryl engage in a series of empowering and intimate conversations, you'll feel as if you're simultaneously having lunch with your best friends and also attending a master class put on by two leaders of the self-empowerment movement.
As they travel throughout North America and Europe together, Louise and Cheryl discuss a wide range of topics, including the importance of loving ourselves and our bodies; aging consciously; bringing true prosperity and abundance to the world; manifesting positive relationships-both with family and friends and in the workplace; and facing death in a dignified and peaceful way.
These two amazing women are living proof that the spiritual principles they discuss in these pages really work. As you read, you'll discover that you, too, have the ability to create an exceptional life!
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