Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Day 4/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'

4/90 of the Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'
You have done 4 full days, the weekend is right around the corner. I want you to KNOW that, and start planning ahead like you would for a special date: What will you do? Where will you go?  What will you wear?  How will you wear your hair?  Is he picking you up?  Or for guys, are you going to get her?  If so, are you bringing her flowers?  Are you going to her door, or just call her let her know you are outside?   Will you stay out late?  Will you be drinking?  Will you go back home together.....  You get it......  Plan ahead, have an idea, and commit to have an amazing time.  Commit to act to serve your happiness, and commit to provide respectful amazing experience for yourself and for your date.    If you think THIS is harder to screw things up.  You get it.....  do the same with your weekend. DO not give in !!!!  DO NOT GIVE UP !!!!

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