Monday, October 03, 2011

The perfect marriage

I see marriage as the highest level bond between two people.  Why?  I see the two merging not only physically, but also at every level of their beings completely.  Let's say he is a business shark.  She learns of his skills, she knows his being. She can tell by the sheer knowing and awareness of him when he is on, or off, what he may needs at the time, and in trust and respect always always communicate what he needs, as he needs to him.  She is a pioneer of life, of the creative arts of being human, and a good oen at that. She loves their children.  He knows her, he know her strengths and her weaknesses.  He knows she does not need to be told what to do, but her fire needs his power, in order to burn in powerful steady flames of life force.  He learned the means and ways to bud in with a word, a suggestion, an act, or the wordless act of physically being there for her, to take over, whilest she can go within and recover her own life force.  This is the perfect dance of the two, never above, or beyond the other. Always an equal, in their own unique mixture of ever-growing individual expression of the Universal perfection....of life's yearning of its becoming of itself.

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