Friday, May 10, 2013

How to succeed at being You

You have three allies, your Spirit who is always alive, energized ready to soar.  The two deciding factors to Her expression; I.e. who will move you forth into expression are, your body and your mind.
Sometimes you feel tired.  Perhaps, could not sleep well, or enough, or you ate something close to bedtime, that caused you to wake with unease.  Those days, let your mind decide. You know better, than to let the temporary, unexpected obstacle stop you. The days your mind can't seem to get off the hamster wheel, trust the strength you have built into your body, the habits you have formed as a result, to handle the call as it should be.


Monday, May 06, 2013


When you judge someone you do not have time to [get to] know them.
All you are doing is reaffirming your convictions; strengthening the wall that separates you from the world, keeps you in your bubble, leaving you deeper in your own views.

Let the vulnerability of the possibility bring you closer to the world, to another it is safe. If it is to be, it will work. If it is not, it will prepare for the next, whatever, wherever that may be.

Mind Over Medicine - You are the One Who Can Heal You

Mind Over Medicine

Join Dr. Lissa Rankin and Dr. Martha Beck for Make Your Body Ripe For Miracles, a Live Online Event to celebrate the release of Lissa’s new book, Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself.

During this event, Martha and Lissa will prove to you that healing your body with the power of your mind is not only possible, it’s what your body is made to do naturally. Your body is fully equipped with natural self-repair mechanisms that are flipped on or off with thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that originate in the mind but affect every cell in your body. And the actions of these self-repair mechanisms aren’t random and you can learn how to activate them!   Join and learn:

• An easy, relaxing activity that takes only one hour per week and can help you live up to fourteen years longer
• One simple thing that can benefit your health more than eliminating cigarettes
• A factor you may consider unrelated to the health of the body which can add more than seven years to your life
• A gloriously fun activity which can dramatically reduce the number of doctor’s visits you’ll need in your lifetime
• A specific shift in your mental attitude which can increase your life expectancy by ten years
• One easy work habit that can dramatically reduce your risk of dying young
• A pleasurable activity you probably never linked to a healthy life that can dramatically reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and breast cancer
• One key factor in your relationship with your doctor that may mean the difference between life and death
• And there’s so much more…

You’ll also learn:
• How Martha Beck and Lissa Rankin both wrote The Prescription for themselves and healed their bodies from multiple “chronic” medical conditions
• A tool you can use that will help you flip on your body’s self-repair mechanisms no matter what else is going on in your life
• How you can make your own diagnosis and write The Prescription for yourself
• And what you can do to increase your body’s chance of spontaneous remission

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Losing weight. One drink. One cookie. The TRUTH.

Losing weight, 'getting in shape' is hard.
And it DOES take LONGER than 12 weeks or 90 days. 
Yes, you MAY lose the bulk of your weight in that time frame, but the real work starts at those markers. 
If you think 3 days is enough.... Enough for what? 
Or you went an entire Monday - Friday without any or little cheating? 
Just so you can gear up for a well-deserved (by a flexibly subjective standard, created by you) cheat and treat filled weekend. 
80-20 does NOT work for everyone at all times.
Read that again; or at least eight more times, and let that sink in.
Not even 90-10, works for a newbie on the journey.
IF it is really hard for you, or you have been planning to get started, for at least a year, or was that 15 years, and you still have not gotten around it, you better believe your game has to be immaculately strict.
So, yes, one drink DOES count.
Just one cookie WILL make a difference.
Who are you trying to kid? 
Oh, you were just a sarcastic?
And why is it funny again? 

The Grand Success here IS hard work;
Sweat, tears, heart and dedication; a lot of hills and valleys.
All that can come easy once you are so committed to the 
End Result you WANT,
The one, over which you would rather die than not succeed at....
Oops did I just spill the beans of what it takes? 

What? You missed it? It was THAT simple? 
Are you still with me? 
I guess I lost most of you....