Friday, July 18, 2008

What do you stand for ....really

I have long been thinking about the hypocrisy that surrounds the fitness industry, as well as the newly booming coaching profession.

It seems to me that there are way too many out there who preach the *right thing* yet in their REAL, every day, lives they function in a nature that contradicts their public image/message. I.e. personally they fail to live up to the message they deliver through their words.

For those of us who are professionals in a position of an ideal/example to follow, it is our moral responsibility to live according to our words, and truly be the role-model.

I am saddened to meet people over and over again, who paint the pretty picture, speak heart-warming words, write wonderful books, yet as persons, lack the ingegrity to live up to the message they send out.

Nobody is perfect and we all have days where our performance may not be ideal. However, a person who operates with integrity from the core, and truly lives for the message they convey, will never fall short of being ethical or contradict themselves, and will never be too far from what they stand for.

I urge everyone to take a very close look at their inner world, and outer performance and make sure that the two coincide.
I also would encourage the seekers to take responsibility for the information received, ask questions, and make sure that value sought isn't just assumed for face value, but is accepted for it's validity.

Wishing you all the right premises.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Bad Habit

Being Hard On Ourselves

One of the key components of human consciousness that most of us need to address and change is our tendency to be hard on ourselves. We do this in ways that are both overt and subtle, and half the work sometimes is recognizing that we are doing it at all. For example, if we find it difficult to graciously accept compliments, this is probably a sign that we tend to be hard on ourselves. Other ways in which we express this tendency include never feeling satisfied with a job well done, always wanting to be and do better, and getting mad at ourselves for getting sick. Getting mad at ourselves at all indicates that we need to rescue ourselves from our learned ability to be unkind to ourselves.

In essence, when we are hard on ourselves, we send our bodies the message that we are not good enough. Whenever we do this, we do damage that will need to be addressed later, and we sap our systems of much-needed energy. Being hard on ourselves is a waste of precious time and energy that we could use in positive ways. To begin to understand how this works, we can think about times when someone made us feel that we weren’t good enough. Even just thinking about it will create an effect in our bodies that doesn’t feel good. We may be used to the feeling, but when we really tune into it, we instinctively know that it is not good for us on any level.

Like any bad habit, being hard on ourselves can be a challenging one to release, but the more we feel the burden it places on us, the more motivated we will be to change. At first, just noticing when we are doing it and how it makes us feel is enough. As our awareness increases, our innate impulse toward health and well-being will be activated, moving us out of danger and into a more positive and more natural relationship with ourselves.

_from the DailyOM
The essence of my work as a Personal Trainer and Life Coach

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own." -- Benjamin Disraeli 

This is what I consider to be essence of my work as a Personal Trainer/LifeStyle Coach. Today was just the proof. An old dear client resumed working with me after taking a year off form the gym. We always had a ritual of going for a power walk after our sessions to train our invisible selves:) I believe that the actual physical aspect of *working out* has very little to do with overall well being. If it were THAT easy EVERYONE would be magazine cover material. And let’s face it, most of us are a few workouts behind :)

Do not get me wrong, it IS essential to follow a customized training plan that fits YOU and YOUR lifestyle, as opposed to the randomly circulating copies of programs that supposed to WORK for you. I don’t think so. This is a different Blog all together.

Back to the original point. It is all about the COACHING aspect of my work!!!!! Beyond this only a trainer/coach who has personally encountered what they advise can change lives. There is no other way. Nobody would trust a mechanic who did not have a driver’s license, let alone owned a car...

During our walk we shed light on some roadblocks that may be preventing the flow of the process, and prevents her from becoming the results she aspires towards. The key to becoming the changes we wish to see, once revealed, is HOW these roadblocks are dealt with! Or, on the other hand, why one keeps on chasing the dream, like a cat chases her tail.

Albert Einstein said something along the lines of “one cannot solve a problem on the same level of thinking that has created it.” One must grow, either by taking responsibility for their current lives/results and seeking solution on their own. Or, by hiring a GOOD professional who understands where one is and can help them get the wheel out of the mud that is stuck.

Greatness IS not doing it on our own, walking around like one knows it all. True greatness lies in our humility, in our ability to accept the stage of life we are at, be open for growth/change, and seek Mentor(s) who’ve been where we aspire to ascend. AND allow for the new level of being to transform our lives inside and out.

One of my greatest advantages as a professional is that I HAVE BEEN THERE!!! Not many of you know that the seed of my career was my ongoing battle with weight and at one point being closer to the 200lbs mark than 100lbs, with almost NO muscle mass whatsoever!!! Yupp..Baby Had Back...Biiiiig time!!! I mean I still do but it is a different kind of back ;)

My own personal battle I fought, every day of my life for a very long time, is what gave me the greatest gift I have AND give to my clients today. Having made probably all the relevant mistakes ALL my clients collectively have made, allows me to understand my and coach them back on track successfully. This can stem from working with the injured stay-at-home dad who gained 120 lbs and no longer can stand not being able to chase his toddler around, to the 6’2 teen girl, who couldn’t see her femininity for her unusual height as a girl. Or the other end of the spectrum where I help bringing the sexy back with my bikini girls. Or, turning the mother of two/three into Stage Ready material!!!!! I do it all and I love it all; there is nothing like showing people their own *riches*

When one awakens to some-THING one needs, that IS the proof that one already HAS that exact thing inside. It is often the matter of finding the way, the right professional to help one to get there.

So how does one go about finding the right professional?
Ask questions
Look at the prospective trainers OWN BODY
Look at the bodies they produce

The poorest deciding factor is price. Most of us live on a limited budget, I know I do. BUT, and this is a BIG BUT, where there is a will there IS a way. The injured dad I mentioned above was on welfare at the time we started. HE FOUND A WAY!!!!!!!

In the case of finding the right trainer/coach, it is not the two-for-one that you should look for, or the *deal*. Look for quality of service. Look for THE RIGHT FIT. Remember, those who work for money instead for the passion for their work, will provide service that is going to serve the money, not your RESULTS!!!!!!

Look for a trainer/coach who is not standing beside you counting your
reps... yawning; checking themselves in the mirror while their client is fighting an improper movement ready for injury on site!!!! I wouldn’t pay for that!!!!!

I never count the reps right (in my opinion a few extra reps have never hurt anyone ...teehee). My clients tease this as the HUNGARIAN way of counting. Whatever....

BUT what I DO is, I ENGAGE:

I am there with my peeps all the way
I push them
I stretch them
I listen (I even hear their cursing thoughts!!!!!)
I watch (yes I do have eyes on the back of my head UNFORTUNATELY)
I yell
I hug
I reassure
I am tough but I am gentle
I coach.... I AM!!! Together we produce results!!!!!

I remember when I was SOOOOO frustrated of being the master of all yo-yo systems years ago. I fell for every flying magical promise; by the end my body rejected even protein powders (because I abused my GI with supplements). I was very frustrated, I saw no way out. But I did not give up, I knew there had to be someone who had the answers for ME. I found this person, I consulted with them. And even though I did not own a house back than, the price was enough to make me see myself homeless, no more social splurging, no shopping sprees....These are enough to scare a girl for sure, but I knew I wanted it!!!! More than another pair of sandals that *spoke to me* I don’t want many things in my life (those who know me know this of me). BUT when I find something I WANT, I WILL!!!!

It took me some months to save my cash. I made sacrifices, I stopped shopping, I asked for money for my Bday etc. Before I knew it, I was ready to hire MY COACH. I never looked back. I can thank THAT step my life, my confidence, my foundation for my expertise.

Hiring a trainer/coach is a LIFE decision. Treat it as such. Do not let, what I see often, let bad decisions rob you of your dreams. That is hiring the wrong trainer/coach who is not the right fit, but may have offered the right price, all while not understanding the need at hand and let the clients' (I.e. YOUR) dream die. A client as such will be very hard to turn around. I see this EVERY day!!!! Don’t let the fire go out. Respect yourself, crate your life around THIS notion that you are WORTH it. And know there IS a right way.

Let YOUR trainer/coach inspire you to become all you can be, not another trainer, who you are both admiring while chatting to kill the hour ... ya heard?

Be all you can be.
Love yourself, love your body, love your mind, love your soul; love your life. You only have one of these:)
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Dream it. Create it. Live it. Love it. For forever.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Can't is the answer to life or death;
Can't will take away your life and dream,
Can't can and will kill you; if you let it.

Determine you glory or your fall.
You choose;
Can't or Can.

Can't, to me, is nothing;
Can't, to me, does not exist.

Can't is only, when I choose not to.