Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 19/90 Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'

19/90 of the Mission, 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'

How would your life be different, if this time around you kept your promise you made to yourself a mere 19 days ago: i.e. that you would follow through your 90 day commitment to your own six pack.  This really means committing to a goal of eating healthy and sensibly, exercising following a plan, and facing the truth of your choices, that, up until now have kept you away from living in and with the body and physical condition that would make you happy, truly happy.

I challenge you to re-visit the promise, and spend some time contemplating it, and get truthful about how you treat your promise.  Because THAT is how you treat your highest goals, your highest existence.  That is how you treat YOU.

Time to get back on track, choose good meals, get your supplements, (i.e. your 

Advanced GREENS Plus), if you require a meal, training plan, shoot me an email to  If it is coaching that you need to help you stay on track, and true to the promise you made, again, I am only an email away. 

Stay focused on the power of your PROMISE. 

Nothing has changed.....

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