Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Want to lose weight? WHY?

Focus on your WHY!
You may be thinking, 'Here she goes again,' way too deep for most.  But stick with me, read on. 
Stick with, marry your WHY, that depth, that truth that drives you, that truly drives you.  When you do, you may stick with your [new] routine of healthy eating + moving.  You may just be more likely to maintain your weight loss over the long term, when you are tuned in, and are intrinsically moved.

Next time you’re moved not to exercise, but to skip your workout, think about how you would FEEL after having completed it, instead of how you are trying to look. The one that goes deeper is more likely to stick :)

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Stay 2 - Poem by Me

God sent You to Me
Because He could physically
Himself not Be here
With Me.
He Sent You to Me
So I may learn to Love
Him, through You
Being One with

HE chose you specifically.
The perfect
The Special
The Masculine
The true Hero for Me.

He knew the touch I needed
He knew the love my heart asked for
He knows my imagination
My dreams and deepest 
He knows my fears
He knows my insecurities
He knows where I am soft
He knows where I am brilliant

He chose you to embrace it all.

So Welcome, and please
I want to love you.
I want to know you.
I want to have you.
I am to be
One with You.

God sent You to Me,
So you may stay.
As One.
You and Me.