Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Day 38/90 of Mission 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'

38/90 of the Mission, 'YOUR 2011 Christmas Six-Pack'

Time for a Holiday Attitude detox: November 1st is the official start of the Holidays, the battle against the bulge, the temptations, the added pounds begins.  We start running on empty in no time, and have less and less chance to be fully present, and enjoy the weeks leading up to some of the best times of the year. 

To help you stay on track during the Holidays, I have a great solution for you: the TRUESTAR Attitude Plan.  It is never about the temptations, they are all around.  It is about your Attitude towards the temptations, that holds the key to your solution, to cruise through al the Jazz.  Get on, and create a FREE profile.  

Design your own TRUESTAR Attitude Plan.  Show those temptations who Da Boss IS!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for providing useful information. It can be really effective using the personal trainer Oakville or joining a training center for gaining a perfect body rather than doing individually.