Thursday, May 05, 2011

Open your Body......

Open your bodies and breathe into those places that are opening. 
All they want to do is relax, 
to release the holding patterns. 
That is all they want. 
They do not like to feel uncomfortable. 
Bodies love to be comfortable.
They love warmth. They love touch.
They love warm water. They love comfort.
They love relaxed muscles, and relaxed beings inside of them.

( by Michele Mayama )

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

FOODS you should NOT eat !

You are reading this piece hoping to see newly discovered food items, and a list of reasons NOT TO EAT THEM, because they likely will trigger something in your body, bring about obesity, chronic disease, increase risk of cancer, or something along these lines.

No, I am here to take this to a new level: The foods you should not be eating, as replacement to parts of life, you should be facing.  WHAT????!!!!  Come again?  Did you read that right?

Food and eating, ARE ENERGY.  Food is turned into energy upon digestion.  It takes, and it is energy, to signal hunger.  It is energy, to recognize this signal, and to act upon them.  What about the eating, the  food-misbehaving, that happens for reasons other than to quiet hunger, to provide nourishment and nurturing?  Those uses of food, that result from emotional reasons, that of suppression, in an addictive fashion, and anything along these lines.  There are a wide variety, and just as many reasons underlying for such phenomena.

The triggers that signal for emotional eating, the urges that lead to [mis]use food, to cope with factors of life, are merely life's different forms of yearnings for the unleashing of your own greatness, at last.  This is a courageous calling.  This is huge.  This is scary.  This is IT!!!!  Read that again please at least twice.

Make sure that you understand that paragraph, because it can bring clarity to all your emotional eating confusions.  Food is only your means to quiet, and repress this life-flow, this urge of your spirit, the very happiness and purpose you have come here to reveal and live.  The reasons you are alive.  Sadly, rather than finding the courage to open the gate, and let it flow...…Many learned to use alternate means to quiet the life energy; to dress it up in disguises, and recreate it all, as major life issues, problems, reasons why sadly, happiness cannot be had.

Don't give it away so easy.  Your happiness is right between the bites of sorrow you have learned to shove down, while you do not have to feel any of this, at a given moment.  It doesn't have to be so.  Step into your greatness, put the fork down, for just a second please.  If that is too much to ask, just slow down the bites enough to breath.  Breath just aware enough to feel the air move, in and out, bringing you LIFE-energy, in and out.  Slow down just enough, to raise awareness, and separate the physical act of eating, from the eater: you.  You, wonderful flawless being, who is eating for the wrong reasons, misusing your energy, your miraculous life-flow.  The same being, you, who can choose not to eat for the wrong reasons.  Who can spend more, and more, time in this awareness, for however long it would take to recognize the light within, the one that is powerful enough, to light up the entire sky of their own Universe.  Hence shining magical life-light onto other's Universe.

Love, light, and magic,