Friday, December 27, 2013

More ENERGY naturally instantly

We are used to see all the energy pills, drinks, coffees, teas, bars....anything you want promising you to rocket off the planet and become invincible.  Nobody mentions the post-effects of crash and burn :)

Is there an alternative?  What can make us high, energized, alert, vital and well?

Water.  Drink lots of water.  Daily, 2-4 liters.

How much water are you drinking?
Are you drinking enough?

Water can miraculously increase energy, reduce stress, detox, assimilate...  SO many things that WILL improve your life overall.  Being well-hydrated can shift you to a higher, and better place in your life, where you will naturally strive.


Loyalty is a Choice

The most destructive of weapons is not the spear or the siege cannon, which can wound a body and demolish a wall.
The most terrible of all weapons is the word, which can ruin a life without leaving a trace of blood, and whose wounds never heal.
Let us, then, be the masters of our tongue and not the slaves of our words.
Even if words are used against us, let us not enter a battle that cannot be won.
The moment we place ourselves on the same level as some vile adversary, we will be fighting in the dark, and the only winner will be the Lord of Darkness.
Loyalty is a pearl among grains of sand, and only those who really understand its meaning can see it.
Thus the Sower of Discord can pass the same spot a thousand times and never see the little jewel that keeps together those who need to remain united.
Loyalty can never be imposed by force, fear, insecurity or intimidation.
It is a choice that only strong spirits have the courage to make.
And because it is a choice, it will never tolerate betrayal, but will always be generous with mistakes.
And because it is a choice, it withstands time and passing conflicts.

 taken from Manuscript Found in Accra  |  Paulo Coelho

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy Holy-Days of every kind, Here's one way

If you feel drawn, let it enter your Being, releasing any old ideas of constriction or limitation and returning Your true essence as expansive, radiant Light.

"Divine Beloved, Change Me into someone
who can give with complete ease and abundance,
knowing You are the unlimited Source of All.

Let me be an easy open conduit for Your prosperity.
Let me trust that all of my own needs are
always met in amazing ways
and it is safe to give freely as my heart guides me.

And equally, please Change Me into someone
who can feel wildly open to receiving.
Let me know my own value, beauty and
worthiness without question.
Let me allow others the supreme pleasure of giving to me.
Let me feel worthy to receive in every possible way.

And let me extend kindness to all who need,
feeling compassion and understanding
in even the hardest situations.

Change me into One who can fully love, forgive
and accept myself... so I may carry your Light
without restriction.

Let everything that needs to go, go.
Let everything that needs to come, come.
I am utterly Your own.

You are Me.
I am You.
We are One.

All is well.


Saturday, November 30, 2013

How to Holiday Eat

This is my take on Holiday Eating. I see nothing wrong with eating with family, company and at the same table eating the same foods. I LOVE Holiday eating.  Every setting will have:

Turkey: pure meat
Veggies: prepped in different ways, I am sure you can get creative to keep it clean and lean
Starches (good ones): a small serving is good
Gravy: I hope I do not have to go there, we don't want it to come here....
Stuffing: I am sure we can live without it....who wants GMO and glue gunk in their intestines anyways....yukkkkk
Salad: of course

Pie, desserts etc: I am sure if you kept it clean a little treat after dinner, wait a while, don't stuff it all in at once, will NOT hinder your progress.  All assuming you have been sanely eating up to this feast.  If not, that is a whole different ballgame I get it. I am human too, learned the best way, on my own skin....through my own journey to and from the self.

The leftovers are great, again, treat it like real food, yourself with respect and love.

Remember when you love something, you care for it, you protect it.  Stuffing yourself sick, and eating fast is not love for food, nor treating yourself.
Enjoy what you Eat.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What IS

I think a great great and essential part of healing or changing anything for the better, IS, in learning to accept what-is.
It doesn't make anything easy, but it makes things real, and relatable.
When we can see what-is, for what IS, healing and change can begin.
No, it is not easy--far from it. But it is necessary, essential and the only way to the light.
The light IS there.
Even if it cant be seen right now, not even for a little while.
It is there.
Accept what is.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Is juicing for everyone?

I have on many occasions met with persons, with considerable extra fat on their body, seeking to change that around.  The faster the better of course.  So, 'what is the best way?' they would ask me.  Before I could have the opportunity to get around answering them, they usually beat me to the punch and find their answer.  They no longer need me.  The answer is,  Juicing.  Buy bags of fruits and veggies.  Squeeze them all dry of their succulent manna.  Drink only juices for a certain number of days.  Don't even need the help of a coach, let alone an expert.  A modern day promise anyone can trust, to be good for them.  Get a juicer, or a blender.  Baby, it is GO time !!!!  Easy.  Simple.  I personally love juicingsmoothies ETC.  I do well with them; however, not everyone does.  

So, what goes wrong in the case of the individuals so passionate before they set out juicing?  
How come the confidence soon deflates, and not only is there no fat-loss, at times the discouragement turns into even more fat on these same bodies. 

One of the most common stories of over-fat people is that, they eat very little and very clean.  Which they do, and most often way below what their body needs.  So what IS the issue?  Well, restriction and deprivation do not work.  Such pattern will swing from one extreme to the other.  Which will cause the break downs, at a high frequency rate.  While sharing the healthy controlled dietary means, these calorie rangers forget to tell you about the bingeing, that is sure to follow the deprivation, often, as a daily occurrence.  Or the stress-eating etc.  Either is around foods, high-calorie beverages, and very often alcohol.  Hint, drinking alcohol every day is NOT OK, nor normal.

Juicing is not something I would advise someone who is setting out on a significant fat-loss journey.  My preference would be to start with adding smoothies into their days, that are balanced with the added fiber, blending fruits, veggies, super foods, and good fats, like organic nut-butters, or avocado.  This is, to seek to balance blood sugar first.  Work with this, and over time, move to juicing.  In my experience, it works best as something incorporated in a current regime, and over time worked towards more extensively.  IF that is the path that makes sense for you.  To create an environment for the body to get used to the new ways; as well as, to learn to get to know the new sensations in the body.

Same is true for any ways of eating.  Make sure it is something that is right for you, and you want to genuinely explore moving forth as a lifestyle for you. 

F for effort for looking good....

More harsh effort and unhealthy habits are invested in looking good nowadays, and not so much emphasis on being well and feeling vibrantly healthy.  Or the latter is totally flattened out and is claimed that good-for-you equals to non-effort-whatsoever. 

If you had to choose between the two, which one would it be?  Healthy, or good looking?  I'd take #1.  Why?  The truth is, fast paced, condensed into a few weeks, or drastic weight loss and fitness regimes (I had done my share of these in the past), are mostly, mentally and physically taxing, insane, often unpleasant processes of pushing yourself and your body forth in efforts to change your being, from FAT to FIT.  Proclaiming that, THAT is strength.  I.e. to grind your teeth through a prescription of workouts, hours of cardio, starvation etc etc, in the name of fit body fame.  Often resulting in a bounce-back of significant weight gain, in a very short amount of time.  And on many occasions also brings about mental and behavioural disorders as well.

So what gives? 
Do you have to choose between looking sexy, fit and amazing, and being healthy?
No. Absolutely not.  What you do need to choose is an honest, healthy approach; one you can feel good about doing as a lifestyle, can maintain, and WANT to live.

While the beginning stages of a new regime will always bring some form of adjustments, sacrifice, that can feel unpleasant.  The overall big picture should inspire  and excite you.  Bring you joy, pleasure, and a desire for more growth, physically and beyond.

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Namaste Ya’ll!

Namaste is a Sanskrit word, used as greeting, or acknowledgement of another.  Sanskrit is an ancient language from India dating back to 1500 BCE.  The gesture of “Namaste”, is palms together, in prayer position, Añjali Mudrā or Pranaam-asana, at the heart centre.  

Anjali is also a Sanskrit word, means, "gesture of reverence", a "salutation" or a "benediction".  Mudra means a "seal", or a "sign".  This gesture is also known as "reverence to the Self seal".  Ātman refers to one's true Self. 

The palms of the hands in this gesture are pressed together, firmly and evenly.  The fingers are together and the fingertips pointing upwards. What we see most commonly practiced today.  The  hands are held together at the Anahata Chakra (heart center - the Fourth energy center) with the thumbs resting very lightly against the sternum.  I love this gesture and feeling of tuning into my own heart-beat, the rhythm of the Universe

Another practice referencing the same meaning is, where the gesture is performed at the Ajna Chakra ( the center between the eyebrows - the Sixth energy center), where the thumb tips rest againgt the "third eye" or even at the Sahasrara Chakra (the crown center - the Seventh energy center). 

Thus due to the sacredness of this gesture, it is used in the Indian greeting of "Namaste" or "Pranaam". It is used to greet and well as farewell and thank.

The vedic significance of this gesture suggests that the joining together of the palms subtly brings about a connection between the left and the right hemispheres of the brain, represents the "yoking" or unification.  That is also the essence of the meaning of #yoga.  This union is a symbolic representation of the practioners' connection and link with the divine [with]in all things and beings. Thus, when we perform the Anjali Mudra - we honour both our own Self and the other.  Thereby acknowledging the Sacredness in both the practioner and the recipient.  

The gesture is an acknowledgment of the Higher Self, the Divine, the Soul in one, by the soul in another. Beyond the human, the physical self. It is honouring that sacred place within each other.

Namaste is one of my favourite words and gestures.  It goes deeper for me, than Love, or 'I Love You'.  It goes to the Core, connects us at that place of Divinity residing in each one of us.  

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Make Your Wishes Come True!

New York Times Bestseller, Wishes Fulfilled is designed to take you on a voyage of discovery, wherein you can begin to tap into the amazing manifesting powers that you possess within you and create a life in which all that you imagine for yourself becomes a present fact. 

Your wishes—all of them—can indeed be fulfilled. By using your imagination and practicing the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes being fulfilled, and steadfastly refusing to allow any evidence of the outer world to distract you from your intentions, you will discover that you, by virtue of your spiritual awareness, possess the ability to become the person you were destined to be.

Hay House would like to help you on your Wishes Fulfilled journey, so we have created three very special packages through which you can learn how to obtain what you truly desire! 

The 21-Day Yoga Body

In The 21-Day Yoga Body, renowned wellness warrior and lifestyle expert Sadie Nardini gives you a program to renovate your body, mind and spirit. This fast-acting program, based on Sadie’s potent inspirations, real-world recipes and unique Core Strength Vinyasa yoga style will turbocharge your results: speed up your metabolism, build lean muscle, and burn fat, all while building nutritional savvy and emotional strength. Designed to fit into your busy life, each day of the three-week plan includes a series of daily lifestyle tips, new-generation yoga poses (illustrated with step-by-step photos), breathing and meditation exercises, and nutrition tips and recipes (vegans, vegetarians and meat-eaters alike, welcome!). There’s even wine!
Release Date of September 17, 2013. Pre-Order before then, and receive a discounted price AND a free gift!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Your Body and the New Message

When you work out regularly, not pushing to lose weight, lean out, a competition or other external 'forced' reason; but rather, for an internally cultivated purpose, your body WILL work for you and with you supporting your core life purpose, your authentic existence.

I learn and cultivate the truth of my body daily. It is a cyclical journey. My body communicates with me clearly and exactly every step of the way. This is what I teach my clients, friends and those who are open and patient enough to align with their body and it's messages. It is not a short cut, nor a tip. Rather, a committed journey of a lifetime. Sometimes subtle, you cant even notice, other times unmistakeable impatient, even urgent call for a change.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Why I don't talk much about eating and exercise

Why I don't talk much about eating and exercise, that being my career and life-path for what seems like eternity, or at least the collective lengths of a number of life-times, is simple.  There is not a lot of ways you can re-word, re-package what and how to eat to be healthy, clean, and at a weight you are happy.  Same goes for vitamins, which ARE essential to supplement the body with.

Same goes Re exercise, you have to move.  And you have to move every day.  And you have to evolve with the process of what works for you.  I recommend doing this with the help of a coach, always.  Someone, who can witness, and help navigate your journey, someone who is truly invested in you and is interested in your mission.

What I do find fascinating more, and hence I write a lot about, is human nature.  I find it fascinating to witness and study people, the WHY behind their actions.  I.e. our nature, personal evolution, the integration of our ideas our actions etc.  How our outcomes, including our bodies, weight, and all issues circulating around these influenced by the former...

So, there is no way there is a food or an exercise answer to a question addressing to being chronically over weight etc.

It is a journey.....let's get on and ride....

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

'wwhoah' what?

This will be 'wwwwhoahhh,' but stay with me, and FEEL into it.
You should be treating your body, your health, your weight-loss, or whatever health/wellness  issue you may have, as if it were the matter of someone about to vaccinate your baby, who could die from that needle poke. Who is in complete trust of YOU, your best ability to take excellent care of Him.  He looks at you with his gorgeous loving eyes of sparkle, with trust, unconditional love and happiness.

Feel in there.  Both places, the joy, as well as what it would be like, to have lost Him as a result of a careless decision.  Feel how serious, and irreversibly  life altering a single decision can be, and really is. Because in reality every  decision you make, regarding your health IS the predisposition of the results you will experience.

Stop asking for tips, stop fooling yourself into believing you know it all... You don't, nobody does. However, only you are, and ever CAN BE the expert at you.

So hire a coach you trust, invite your ego along, you will need him to go deep; get to work, get to healing....get to becoming the BEST you can be......

Seek out the best.
Be the BEST.
You CAN.
And you should.
Because you ARE.

Monday, June 03, 2013

I choose Me. I choose Love.

When we feel resentment towards another,
Perhaps more than one,
It is our own self that we need to forgive.
This is when we need to ask God for forgiveness,
From our very core.
And kneel before Him.

Where have we missed the mark by so much?
Where have we chosen a value lesser than love?
We all do it.
I sure do it....
Each experience, however, is here to teach Me
One more, one new way to come back home.
To Me.
To Love.
Because that is where I want to live...
I choose love.

Friday, May 10, 2013

How to succeed at being You

You have three allies, your Spirit who is always alive, energized ready to soar.  The two deciding factors to Her expression; I.e. who will move you forth into expression are, your body and your mind.
Sometimes you feel tired.  Perhaps, could not sleep well, or enough, or you ate something close to bedtime, that caused you to wake with unease.  Those days, let your mind decide. You know better, than to let the temporary, unexpected obstacle stop you. The days your mind can't seem to get off the hamster wheel, trust the strength you have built into your body, the habits you have formed as a result, to handle the call as it should be.


Monday, May 06, 2013


When you judge someone you do not have time to [get to] know them.
All you are doing is reaffirming your convictions; strengthening the wall that separates you from the world, keeps you in your bubble, leaving you deeper in your own views.

Let the vulnerability of the possibility bring you closer to the world, to another it is safe. If it is to be, it will work. If it is not, it will prepare for the next, whatever, wherever that may be.

Mind Over Medicine - You are the One Who Can Heal You

Mind Over Medicine

Join Dr. Lissa Rankin and Dr. Martha Beck for Make Your Body Ripe For Miracles, a Live Online Event to celebrate the release of Lissa’s new book, Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself.

During this event, Martha and Lissa will prove to you that healing your body with the power of your mind is not only possible, it’s what your body is made to do naturally. Your body is fully equipped with natural self-repair mechanisms that are flipped on or off with thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that originate in the mind but affect every cell in your body. And the actions of these self-repair mechanisms aren’t random and you can learn how to activate them!   Join and learn:

• An easy, relaxing activity that takes only one hour per week and can help you live up to fourteen years longer
• One simple thing that can benefit your health more than eliminating cigarettes
• A factor you may consider unrelated to the health of the body which can add more than seven years to your life
• A gloriously fun activity which can dramatically reduce the number of doctor’s visits you’ll need in your lifetime
• A specific shift in your mental attitude which can increase your life expectancy by ten years
• One easy work habit that can dramatically reduce your risk of dying young
• A pleasurable activity you probably never linked to a healthy life that can dramatically reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and breast cancer
• One key factor in your relationship with your doctor that may mean the difference between life and death
• And there’s so much more…

You’ll also learn:
• How Martha Beck and Lissa Rankin both wrote The Prescription for themselves and healed their bodies from multiple “chronic” medical conditions
• A tool you can use that will help you flip on your body’s self-repair mechanisms no matter what else is going on in your life
• How you can make your own diagnosis and write The Prescription for yourself
• And what you can do to increase your body’s chance of spontaneous remission

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Losing weight. One drink. One cookie. The TRUTH.

Losing weight, 'getting in shape' is hard.
And it DOES take LONGER than 12 weeks or 90 days. 
Yes, you MAY lose the bulk of your weight in that time frame, but the real work starts at those markers. 
If you think 3 days is enough.... Enough for what? 
Or you went an entire Monday - Friday without any or little cheating? 
Just so you can gear up for a well-deserved (by a flexibly subjective standard, created by you) cheat and treat filled weekend. 
80-20 does NOT work for everyone at all times.
Read that again; or at least eight more times, and let that sink in.
Not even 90-10, works for a newbie on the journey.
IF it is really hard for you, or you have been planning to get started, for at least a year, or was that 15 years, and you still have not gotten around it, you better believe your game has to be immaculately strict.
So, yes, one drink DOES count.
Just one cookie WILL make a difference.
Who are you trying to kid? 
Oh, you were just a sarcastic?
And why is it funny again? 

The Grand Success here IS hard work;
Sweat, tears, heart and dedication; a lot of hills and valleys.
All that can come easy once you are so committed to the 
End Result you WANT,
The one, over which you would rather die than not succeed at....
Oops did I just spill the beans of what it takes? 

What? You missed it? It was THAT simple? 
Are you still with me? 
I guess I lost most of you....

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Want to lose weight? WHY?

Focus on your WHY!
You may be thinking, 'Here she goes again,' way too deep for most.  But stick with me, read on. 
Stick with, marry your WHY, that depth, that truth that drives you, that truly drives you.  When you do, you may stick with your [new] routine of healthy eating + moving.  You may just be more likely to maintain your weight loss over the long term, when you are tuned in, and are intrinsically moved.

Next time you’re moved not to exercise, but to skip your workout, think about how you would FEEL after having completed it, instead of how you are trying to look. The one that goes deeper is more likely to stick :)

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Stay 2 - Poem by Me

God sent You to Me
Because He could physically
Himself not Be here
With Me.
He Sent You to Me
So I may learn to Love
Him, through You
Being One with

HE chose you specifically.
The perfect
The Special
The Masculine
The true Hero for Me.

He knew the touch I needed
He knew the love my heart asked for
He knows my imagination
My dreams and deepest 
He knows my fears
He knows my insecurities
He knows where I am soft
He knows where I am brilliant

He chose you to embrace it all.

So Welcome, and please
I want to love you.
I want to know you.
I want to have you.
I am to be
One with You.

God sent You to Me,
So you may stay.
As One.
You and Me.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stay - Poem by Me

Stay - Poem by Me

God sent You to Me,
Because He could not
Himself come to Me.
God Sent You to Me
So I may learn to Love
Him, through Your Being.

I want to love you.
I want to know you.
I want to have you.
I am to be
One with You.

God sent You to Me,
So you may stay.
As One.
You and Me.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Why Dry ....

Taking fish oil supplements or another source of heart-healthy omega-3s, such as flax can really make a difference in helping your skin not get so very dry, as it is likely to happen this time of year.

This is likely the case, because of a component of omega-3s, eicosapentaenoic acid -- or EPA -- that is thought to help regulate the skin's oil/moisture production, as per the Discovery Health.

Some great products to get your daily omega-3's are:

TRUE Basics
TRUE Omega

If you wish to find out more as to what your body may need, visit my portal for a FREE vitamin profile and personal assessment:

Be well, be happy.


Saturday, February 16, 2013

There is more in you, a lot more.......


We all have SO much fear inside; especially when it comes to the matters of the heart.  Best proof: the very existence of books, rules, 'ways to love' etc...  It is a huge business-idea, a very small, 'bring home TRUE Love, and enjoy it as a 'Divine Expression of YOU' idea.  If you know what I mean.
Why else would you suppose we doubt, run from our organic crave and call for behind held by our beloved?  Instead of reaching out, we run the opposite way, FEARING to appear a certain way, usually clingy or, wonder 'what they may think?'  Best case scenario, we run to others, asking for advice; seeking 'what they may think,' or ask, 'what should I do?'  And, at best, we receive the 'he should do this, if he really cared, ...' or the 'She should bap pap pap pa paaa...IF she really loved you.'  Really?
Such waste of the most precious in us, and of our time. 
None of us ever really go beyond this point, because THAT is, as we have been conditioned to believe, IS where it is safe.  This is as far as we are conditioned to go to.  Beyond here, is where we pull down the blinds, assume we are "Right."  I.e. THIS IS where it is *still* safe for us to go, and beyond here we don't go.  We just don't.  It is like that safety net of invisible boundaries, we have learned NOT to move beyond.  Such that an animal would be like, once they get accustomed to the limitations of the invisible fence.

Let me ask, assuming some small spark of 'a-ha' came forth from this piece, WHAT has FEAR cost you in your life, when it comes to love, or overall?

What has fear been costing you?

How do you think you can change this?
How WILL you change this?
If you are of the more evolved ones, how HAVE you moved beyond the boundaries of FEAR?  What values have you brought into existence as a result of moving beyond the ideas of fear?  How has fear transformed you into who you are today? 

Wherever you are on your journey with fear, know this, fear truly really is just fear. False Evidence Appearing Real. Do your best to move into it, through it, and let it fall by your feet. Free yourself from its weight, its grab, it is but an illusion.  The real you, happiness, all that you are and about to become is awaiting you right behind fear.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Sneaky Sources of BPA

BPA: it sneaks up.  You think you have BPA-proofed your life, do double-check. I say this after I watched my mom and her friends drop near $1000 and some on tupperware at a party. Yes, it still happens.  

Even if you remove all plastic from your food and water supply, there are still some sneaky ways that highly toxic BPA can find its way into your life. Here are the most common
  • Cash register receipts: This usually shocks most people. But if you handle a receipt with your hands, then eat your food with your hands, BPA is getting in your system. Better yet, wash your hands immediately after touching one, or anytime before you eat. It IS stil more respectful to wash hands before we sit down to eat
  • The lining of most canned foods. Source the brands that don’t use BPA
  • Some baby bottles and pacifiers
  • Many toys and other children’s products
  • Some aluminum water bottles (stainless steel is generally safe).  Do take a closer look please. 
  • Canned soda and beer. Do we really need another reason to leave pop and cans alone? 

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Outrageously Open, do you dare to go there?

This book will change your life. 

‎'Change me Divine Beloved into one who willingly embraces Your obstacles and tests knowing they come fully from Your love. Let me trust Your plan, knowing they carry me to ever deeper awareness and wholeness. I am entirely Your own.'

I welcome You Divine Order to have your way with me, I am open to receive your Divine sculpting of my Soul, to fit my Being + Purpose ever more beautifully into Your Divine Plan.

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Love Forever - poem by me

Love Forever - poem by me


Secret Island
Yours, ours.
Minutes and joining together;
With you

How long is this ours?
All that we ever,
All that we ask for?
How long is long?
IS it ever too late?

In the room it may seem scary short;
Scary good.
Delighted, as I note,
Outside, just around the corner,
Is a new day falls on us,
Another life awaits.
We are good.

Tension - released.
Flushed - soft.
Desiring - out of control.

Love me.
Do you believe here is,
The only place?
To create.
To live.
Love forever.

Monday, January 28, 2013

What's 'how I live,' got to do with IT ?

Have you asked what emotional and spiritual issues have to do with your diet, exercise plan, lifestyle etc? Simple: you, as a being is one whole. You are not a collection of separates that form a set of aspects, that make you up, the human. The exact emotional effect of internal conflicts, issues, dishonesty greatly contribute to the creation of what later in life show up as disease.  It all affects all....

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Reclaim Your Hot Mama Mojo

Join Erin Cox, the energetic and inspirational author of
One Hot Mama: The Guide to Getting Your Mind and Body Back After Baby,  and reclaim your Hot Mama Mojo…once and for all!

This three-week online course will help you be THE woman you’ve always dreamed you could be by guiding you through
an incredibly fun and revolutionary life-rejuvenation process.

• Do you ever feel like you’ve lost your SELF to being a mom?
• Has your love life taken a hit because you don’t feel sexy anymore?
• Have you lost touch with your spirituality and sense of inner peace?
• Could you use a little more time to yourself and more fun in your life?
• Would you like to have more vibrant energy and abundant health?
• Do you want to be a better lover, mother, or friend?
• Do you feel stuck in bad habits or negative self-talk that prevents you from being the best version of yourself?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this online course is for you.

As an added bonus, when you sign up for this class, you will receive a FREE copy of Erin’s hit book,
One Hot Mama: The Guide to Getting Your Mind and Body Back After Baby

You’ll also receive exclusive bonus material including:
• The One Hot Mama Healthy Eating Plan
• Recipes and Shopping lists to help keep you hot and healthy
• Erin’s One Hot Mama exercise videos to help you get fit and stay fit

Lesson 1: Your Happier Life
January 15, 2013, 4:00 pm –5:30 pm, Pacific / 7:00 pm–8:30 pm, Eastern
During Lesson 1, we will start by discussing the real you…within. Erin focuses on topics such as spirituality,
self-esteem, and self-talk. Busy mothers often let their spirituality go by the wayside when this key to inner
peace is needed more than ever. We will discuss meditation, prayer, and solitude as key topics for achieving
a sense of calm and peace. Over-tasked and stressed-out women also often get stuck ruminating on negative
thoughts, and are not entirely present in their life to experience the beauty and joy that surrounds them.
You will learn useful tips that actually work to help you be a more present and joyful woman.

Lesson 2: Your Healthier Life
January 22, 2013, 4:00 pm –5:30 pm, Pacific / 7:00 pm–8:30 pm, Eastern
The primary focus of Lesson 2 is self-care, including resting, taking care of your needs, eating well, and exercising
for optimal health and maximum energy. Do you feel tired and worn out? Erin’s guidelines for diet and exercise
will help you live your life fully engaged because after this course, you will have the energy and stamina to keep
up with your life’s demands. Implementing Erin’s tips and tricks will help you fit into your skinny jeans for good!

Lesson 3: Your Hotter Life 
January 29, 2013, 4:00 pm –5:30 pm, Pacific / 7:00 pm–8:30 pm, Eastern
Lesson 3 will absolutely energize and invigorate you! Has your sex-life suffered from exhaustion, lack of self-esteem,
or lack of connection? Erin will help you reclaim your Hot Mama Mojo by inspiring you to regain your sexiness,
restore your relationships, and reclaim your beauty by looking your very best and making the most of your natural

If you can’t make the live airdates, you can still join Erin!
For your convenience, all participants automatically receive downloadable mp3s of all three lessons. Each lesson
will be uploaded into your account within a few days of its live airdate and will then be available for you to
download anytime within seven days. Hay House will send you a notification email when each lesson is available to download from your account. So you can still take the course no matter what your schedule! 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Feeling Beautiful: How to Upgrade Your Body Image For Vibrant Health and Vitality

Feeling Beautiful: How to Upgrade Your Body Image For Vibrant Health and Vitality

Online Event with Dr. Christiane Northrup 
Register Now! Only $97!
Or, receive this course for FREE when you purchase Beautiful Girl

Our sense of ourselves and our worthiness which is imprinted from our parents and culture (beginning in utero or even before) profoundly affects our health and our immunity. This is because our self-image affects our sense of safety and security and sense of belonging —both of which wire in the health of our bones and blood.

If you are raising a daughter, niece, or granddaughter, this information can be transformational. But what if you, as an adult, didn’t have a mother who felt good about herself? What if your mother wasn't able to pass on positive messages about the wonders of her body? What if she projected her own fears of being feminine on you? What if she taught you to be afraid of your period, or criticized your breast size, or taught you to be afraid of your sexuality? Then what?

In this special 2-hour Live Online Event, Dr. Christiane Northrup will provide you with a seven-pointFeeling Beautiful program for transforming your relationship with your body! Through interactive teaching, exercises and Q&A, Dr. Northrup will help you upgrade your body image. And as a result, you’ll be able to pass on better health and a positive body image to all the women in your life. 

Click here to view complete details.

Thursday, January 24, 2013, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Pacific Time Price: $97 • Special Offer Price FREE
when you purchase Beautiful Girl
Sign up today to listen live or on demand!

Monika Kovacs

Get Fit + Hot:  |  @monikakovacs  |  416.419.1230

Monday, January 14, 2013


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