Tuesday, June 04, 2013

'wwhoah' what?

This will be 'wwwwhoahhh,' but stay with me, and FEEL into it.
You should be treating your body, your health, your weight-loss, or whatever health/wellness  issue you may have, as if it were the matter of someone about to vaccinate your baby, who could die from that needle poke. Who is in complete trust of YOU, your best ability to take excellent care of Him.  He looks at you with his gorgeous loving eyes of sparkle, with trust, unconditional love and happiness.

Feel in there.  Both places, the joy, as well as what it would be like, to have lost Him as a result of a careless decision.  Feel how serious, and irreversibly  life altering a single decision can be, and really is. Because in reality every  decision you make, regarding your health IS the predisposition of the results you will experience.

Stop asking for tips, stop fooling yourself into believing you know it all... You don't, nobody does. However, only you are, and ever CAN BE the expert at you.

So hire a coach you trust, invite your ego along, you will need him to go deep; get to work, get to healing....get to becoming the BEST you can be......

Seek out the best.
Be the BEST.
You CAN.
And you should.
Because you ARE.

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