Saturday, October 26, 2013

F for effort for looking good....

More harsh effort and unhealthy habits are invested in looking good nowadays, and not so much emphasis on being well and feeling vibrantly healthy.  Or the latter is totally flattened out and is claimed that good-for-you equals to non-effort-whatsoever. 

If you had to choose between the two, which one would it be?  Healthy, or good looking?  I'd take #1.  Why?  The truth is, fast paced, condensed into a few weeks, or drastic weight loss and fitness regimes (I had done my share of these in the past), are mostly, mentally and physically taxing, insane, often unpleasant processes of pushing yourself and your body forth in efforts to change your being, from FAT to FIT.  Proclaiming that, THAT is strength.  I.e. to grind your teeth through a prescription of workouts, hours of cardio, starvation etc etc, in the name of fit body fame.  Often resulting in a bounce-back of significant weight gain, in a very short amount of time.  And on many occasions also brings about mental and behavioural disorders as well.

So what gives? 
Do you have to choose between looking sexy, fit and amazing, and being healthy?
No. Absolutely not.  What you do need to choose is an honest, healthy approach; one you can feel good about doing as a lifestyle, can maintain, and WANT to live.

While the beginning stages of a new regime will always bring some form of adjustments, sacrifice, that can feel unpleasant.  The overall big picture should inspire  and excite you.  Bring you joy, pleasure, and a desire for more growth, physically and beyond.

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