Monday, February 28, 2011

Making the Cut

Eating, 'right eating,' however defined, is the adult version of the monster under the bed.  We do not dare to look, but we *know* it is there, and keeps us in great suspense.  Eating Raw, Atkins, South Beach, Paleo, etc, no matter what your reference is, it is definitely one that will ask you to change your normal habits around at over-night, say good-bye to what you knew as 'ways to eat,' and only follow the new plan-indefinitely.  In return, the new plan promises you the body, health, vitality, sex-life, happiness....and a ton more.  That is an ultimatum and a half if you ask me, that is hard to say 'no' to.

Are ultimatums possible to impose?  If so, can they last, do they?  Most importantly, do they work?

The short answer is, everything works short term, and when stuck to it for a few weeks, even a few months.  But can this new plan of promises be a lifestyle?  Most of them would have a very different answer to the last parts...  

I work with many people myself who choose to change their eating habits, or bodies, or lifestyles, and ask for the plan to help them lose the weight, most of the times.  The more mature I become, as a professional, the more experience I have accumulate, first hand, and otherwise, the more I see that a diet is not the answer to health/well-being.   Health has to be something that allows one to enjoy life, oneself, one's environment, while having vitality, physical capacity, mental and spiritual maturity, and freedom,  most days of one's life.  

This is why, I changed my approach.  Instead of a 'diet,' what I do now, is, I offer a Meal Guide & Coaching, so that those who wish to embark on the path to better body, and eating habits, can have me one-on-one to support them, while owning the process to explore it all.  

I do not want to ever be a babysitter, or a crutch for anyone; nor would I ever vouch that my methods are the only ones that work.  However, what I know to work does work, and I stand by it.  All the while allowing for my knowledge and expertise to continue remain an ever-evolving journey, that I am privileged to share with those who are open to live better throughout their lives.

To your well-being, happiness, and healthy-habits,

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