Monday, October 12, 2009

The world we live in - values, they matter, not?????

I just watched a show segment on a popular TV show on 'cheating;' (Steven & Chris, ARE WE WIRED TO CHEAT?).  The usual discussion of WHY people cheat, the poll of 'is it men, or women, who cheat more?' (women are only 20% behind in their ratio over men) etc.  The discussion offered a few good relationship skills to acquire in order to prevent the C word to take  please:

  • Encourage one another to talk openly about their emotions
  • Set regular Date Nights once a week/month for the two of you only and stick to it (THIS WORKS AWESOME!!!!!)
  • Create an environment of trust and non-judgement, where no topic is forbidden to bring up
  • Four times a year, have a difficult/scary conversation

There were also other positives I liked, such that our reason sets us apart from the instinctual creatures of the mammal world.  Which in turn means responsibility for our actions and choices. 

What I was shocked about, is the following:

An affair is not the end of a relationship - it can be a wake-up call. When people are in their 50's and 60's they might let it slide. They'll ask themselves, "Do I really want to rock the boat for this?" But when people are in their 20's, 30's, and 40's an affair tends to be make or break. But an affair is also an opportunity for two people to come together to talk about what's happening in their relationship. More sex is not just about more sex - it's about wanting to feel special. That's a wake-up call.

Shokkker!!!!!!!!  I don;t know what planet the people are from who consider cheating as an opportunity to assess where they are in a relationship? Wasn't that supposed to be before the cheating took place? Aren't we supposed to be present in a relationship?  What a copout.  better yet what a way to glamorize lack of sense of self and self worth. 

Cheating, I think that is the point of too late  for a relationship, before any parties decide to do unforgivable/undoable things, IS the time to open a discussion of a scary topic that has been purple elephant in the room, ignored for way too long.

In my book, cheating would mean one of these two things:

1) bye bye, or
2) good bye

Live  and Love....

All is well,

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