Sunday, February 26, 2012

If you love it, let it go, If it comes back …..

I am a Wellness Consultant with TRUESTAR Health, home of the Leading Online Healthy Lifestyle Resource, the #1 Ranked vitamins and natural supplements.  I first began with this company, working as a Personal Health Advisor, in 2006, when they operated within various retail locations.  I coached people through their journeys to better health, using the TRUESTAR system, combined with my own Personal Training services.  It was all I could ask for, and some.  I was doing what I loved.  I never worked a minute.  I simply got to spend time clients, sharing my knowledge, learn something new every day, and change lives.  It was amazing to have seen 100’s of committed individuals pushing through to weight-loss victories, amazing bodies, lives transformed.

There was especially one client I adored working with.  She was the Student every coach dreams of.   I will call her Kathy to respect her privacy.  I remember Kathy first coming in to our initial consultation, with all her 4’9, meaning business like I have never seen anyone before.  She signed up for my biggest packages in everything.  She was hungry.  She knew what she wanted; she was focused, open, willing, and ready to go.  Her and I had a 42-week contract.  She never missed a beat.  She never whined.  She was always grateful.  She was honest, and very open.  She shared her struggles, her joys; she shared what she could not shake, her fears and more.  She started to come alive.

Besides all the above, she worked HARD!!!!!  She showed up ready, she trusted.  She changed her life; she also lost 50 lbs.  My favorite part, as I am such a girl and stylist, I started to see her changing her outfits.  She started wearing skirts and more feminine pieces, not to mention her sweet smile of joy, and eyes of sparkle became permanent on her face.  There was so much gratitude, and the strength that can only come from KNOWING she had earned it.  As the fruits of her effort unfolded, she never stopped going for it.  This woman was unbelievable.

I had to I relocate, end that line of work, and leave my clientele behind.  My prime focus became my Private Personal Training business catering to high level performers and executives stay at home wives and mommies.  This transition, while exciting, made it difficult to part from my clients, and friendships.  I had no access to company database, hence I always wondered and missed many of my besties from the past :)

Fast Forward to 2012, February 25, 2012.  I am still a TRUESTAR Girl, and represent the best of the best, as a Wellness Consultant.  After the Saturday morning training + meeting, I had an inner push to call my mother and suggest a visit.  She wanted to meet with me mid-way, but something told me to drive out ‘to’ her farm.  It was a gorgeous Sunny winter afternoon, and I love visiting the country on a day like that.  It is like God was talking to me all while driving, I was listening to a book on audio, that seemed to have guided this entire drive and experience.

As a personal note, I am a book warm, I love to read and listen to books.  I love to learn and spend a ton of time on bettering myself, also to work on my command of the English language.  During my drive, I was listening to my latest and greatest find, which was really an almost divine slap on my face, as I was not getting the first gentle nudges, that tried to guide me to read it.  Enter SPIRIT JUNKIE--a hip new book, I was guided to get my hands on through audible.  I soaked it up ip in two days.  It was clearly ‘for me’ and for ‘a purpose’ unknown to me at the time of my purchase.  The book is based on A Course in Miracles (ACIM), a self-study curriculum that aims to assist its readers in achieving spiritual transformation.  I have been wishing to own a copy of ACIM for long, but could never put my hands on it.

As I arrived to the country, I was filled with peace.  The book I was listening to, SPIRIT JUNKIE, was really getting into those dark areas of my psyche that, needed to be opened. 

I am known to, what I call, ‘clever-task.’  I do not like sitting, not to mention, work, in one place.  Over time, I learned to get my work done wherever I happened to fancy positioning my yogic behind.  Since I am usually on the go, my tasks get done in creative ways. 

As I arrived to my mom’s farm, I had a couple of conference calls to attend to.  While waiting on these, and mom to get ready, I got online to see, if the local bookstore may have carried ACIM.  They did; I put it on hold.  As a side note, both ACIM and SPIRIT JUNKIE had been books I was nudged about, since I first learned of them.  I ignored all of these of course, until these nudges, and the circumstances of acquiring them, became too clear and inevitable.

When mom and I finally got back into the city, we had a plan where we would go first etc.  I wanted to pick up my book, ACIM, so that was first (seriously, can I be more of a child).  While at the store, I also wanted to pick up the current book I was listening to, in paperback (when I love a book a lot, I do this).  As I looked for my prey on the shelves, without success, I turned to walk towards the computers to do a search, and get myself properly allocated.  As I begin to make my way to the computer, I spotted a short lady, in store uniform.  I recognized the face, the glasses.  I knew her, but have not yet registered the identity.  Then it was clear, it was she; the one I never forgot, the face I have missed for 5 years.  The client I always remembered with so much gratitude, Kathy!!!  I could not believe my eyes.  We got excited, caught up.  She also met my mom, told her about our amazing journey together (FYI, my mom still thinks I do a cross between aerobics in pastel spandex, Jane Fonda style, mixed with some yogic moves). 

Kathy briefly shared her personal struggle and frustration since we parted ways.  I.e. how she did not find inspiration, nor support in the people who came after me.  Her body also took another downward spiral.  We re-established contact, and became beyond eager to reconnect and embark once again on a new journey to self-love, and multi-dimensional transformation.  Just before we parted, after all she was at work…oups, I asked her to assist me finding the book I wanted to get, SPIRIT JUNKIE, one of the ‘reasons’ I went in there.  Kathy, also felt the same book calling to her, and she put a copy aside for herself as well.

As mom and I left the bookstore, I had an uneasy pinch of the minus 14-Celsius outside. I suggested a coffee break.  While in line at the cafe, a lady, who stood in line, overheard our admiration of the gorgeous cakes and desserts.  We started talking and instantly clicked.  A short conversation of caloric-guilt, quickly lead to an exchange on weight loss, what I do, and of course TRUESTAR Health.  My new friend, Amy, emphasized that, ‘her ways’ were different from the conventional.  I.e. she saw body transformation as having a strong spiritual basis.  I pointed at the blue book in my hand.  We locked eyes; we both knew we were ‘meant to meet.’  Amy left to sit with her cupcake, we also took our spot.  In a few minutes, Amy tapped my shoulder.  She came over on her way out, to ensure she’d given me her name, also, affirming that, she would look forward to reconnecting and embarking on a quest of working on her spirit and body with me.

Mom and I continued our afternoon, and ended up at a COSTCO.  Of course no Saturday afternoon with mom would be complete without COSTCO :)   As we filled our cart, another TRUESTAR blast from the past, another Monika + Past client Reunion, praising the fruitful work of the past, to mom, who at this point was beaming like a light ball, still picturing her daughter in pastel purple spandex doing the grape-wine, popping the TRUESTAR vitamins

It was an unplanned day filled with miracles; or was it?  Were the events shared really miracles, or merely life’s summoning of itself into existence, uninterrupted? i.e. as it happens, when we step out of our own way?  I finished listening to SPIRIT JUNKIE by the time I made it home that evening.  Looking back, it was so clear to me, based on the story the author shared that, everything that, I had experienced, beyond TRUESTAR, SPIRIT JUNKIE, ACIM, have been life’s ways, to get me to where I had been heading all these years.  The lessons, the struggles, the nudges, the slaps, the joys, the sorrows, the losses, the rebirths have all served a purpose to, and of, this point.  It all began many years ago, when I was an over-weight teenager...

The body is a journey of mysteries.  What you do with it is up to you; accept assistance on your way from spirit, a coach, who can easily become a close friend and mentor you will guide you on this journey, and so much more…

PS – always leave room for miracles…..

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