Monday, August 16, 2010

52 weeks of bodily bliss, week 32: Green with Envy

Summer is perfect for salads, as long as we keep the dressings healthy.  By eating more salads, not only do we pack in great nutrition, but also help the bikini body stay in check.  

I hear many people complain about the lack of variety in terms of eating healthy. That is not at all the case. I would challenge you to try out new salad greens every time you shop. I do this as well, not only to ensure I get my greens, but also to try out new things, keep the ordinary interesting; as well as, increase the nutrients I give my body.

Greens and salads help the body build up defense against diabetes, protect against osteoporosis, heart diseass, cancer. Greens are also great sources of antioxidants, many precious vitamins and nutrients, as well as, potassium, folic acid, and a lot more.

I love to use baby spinach as a salad bed one day, then arugula, Chinese cabbage, simple romaine lettuce, and so on. The greater the variety the better the mix.

Load up on your greens, and get high on your health.


1 comment:

Fred Stephenson said...

That woman looks just like my Mom!