Thursday, March 04, 2010

52 weeks of bodily bliss... week 8: Spring into immunity

Next time you shop, think about what you can eat to boost yoru immune system and help your body defend against the viruses and bacteria that cause illness and disease. Here are seven specific items you should consider -- and why: 

1. Probiotics. As supplements or those foudn in food. The healthful, live bacteria (probiotics) found in fermented dairy products like yogurt may help support immune system function. Probiotics may even help shorten a cold's duration and soften the symptoms, new research shows. Much of the research involving probiotics and immunity involved specific probiotic strains in supplement form, but you can get other strains in low-fat yogurt. 

2.Carrots. This bright orange root veggie is packed with vitamin A, and research suggests vitamin A is essential for effective immune system function, amongst a number o fother health benefits. Other vitamin A-rich foods you can add to your cart: sweet potatoes, squash, spinach, mango, and cantaloupe. Of course too much of a good thing CAN and DOES backfire, so don't megadose on vitamin A supplements! 

3.Citrus fruits. Your immune system is keen on the vitamin C found in oranges, lemons, grapefruits etc.  And while C won't cure common colds, some studies suggest the nutrient may minimize the frequency, duration, and severity of them. Broccoli, peaches, strawberries, and red bell peppers are other good sources. PLUS!!!! Vitamin C may smooth wrinkles, too !!!  Bring me on some Vitamin C !!!!!

4.Salmon. This fish is brimming with vitamin D, another immune-system booster that helps fight off infection-causing pathogens and may also calm inflammation in the respiratory tract. 

5.Kidney beans. Wonderful in soups, salads, and stews, these dark red legumes are loaded with zinc, a mineral that may cut cold length and reduce symptom severity if taken soon after the onset of infection.

6.Almonds. Almonds are a great snack for your immune system because they're rich in Vitamin E, a nutrient that may help reduce the number and duration of colds you get. Sunflower seeds, avocados, and olive oil are also good sources. BUT be careful, while good fats, almonds are still FAT...and a serving is only a few of these super nutritious goodies.
Count your blessings ...

7.Herbs and spices. A growing body of evidence suggests that garlic may boost immunity. And although more research is needed, some early studies suggest herbs like echinacea and ginseng may be useful as well.But talk to your doctor before adding any herbal teas or supplements to your diet.

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