Sunday, March 21, 2010

52 weeks of bodily bliss... week 12: Quick Fix that WORKS !!!!!

I get asked for quick fixes, tips, the miraculous answer, that would melt the fat off the body. Or the one key, that would magically resolve it all.  The wait is over.  Here it is:

Every time you reach for that snack/treat etc. no matter what you call it, or why you think it is OK for you to pass on your better judgement and go for that lousy momentary indulgence, do the following first.

Grab your choice of snack/treat.
Hold it in your mind, don't eat it yet.
In your mind, picture the 6PACK you want to have (we ALL DO!!!).
We all want the *permanent 6PACK*   

Now, look at the snack in your hand.
Shift your mind back to the picture of YOUR *permanent 6PACK*.
Go back and forth, between the two; back and forth...

Its fun and easy, isn't it!!!!

Do this mental game back and forth, back and forth, at least a dozen times.
Feel the sensations you get, each time your *permanent 6PACK* is on the display of your mind's eyes. Compare it to the sensation the taste of the treat would give you in the moment. Keep shifting, back and forth, back and forth.  Then DECIDE!!!!!!

Week 12, happy "picturing" !!!!!

Have a great week!!!!


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