Monday, March 15, 2010

52 weeks of bodily bliss... week 11: even National TV backs up Personal Training

Third month on the way.  March break, for many, is the perfect opportunity for some 'me-time' and set new personal fitness goals in stone.  If you foregone your New YEar resolution, no worries this is the perfect time to start again.  Set new fitness goals, resolve to healthier habits,  team up with a friend, a trainer, or a coach for workouts or daily walks, and make that commitment to the bikini body you always wanted.

I am a Personal Trainer amongst other things.  Part of my work is to help those who failed on the fitness journey, turn around, and believe again.  The right partnership with a trainer in the fitness club, or at home for those who rather the help comes to them, is more than value money CAN buy.

It has been a common misconception that a Personal Trainer is only for those who need to lose weight. Sure that is a huge and obvious area of focus.  However, with so much awareness raised to chronic illness, most of what can be prevented, delayed, and even turned around with a lifestyle improvement, the role of personal training and exercising has been tremendously emphasized.  

There are many benefits in working with a Personal Trainer, and there are great success rate differences proven to be produced by those, who commit to their trainer, and the plan they are on.  Some of the benefits are:
  • Comfort level for those shy at first...
  • Personalized programs and attention (to help YOU achieve YOUR goal most efficiently)
  • Expertise and Knowledge
  • Boost your workout sessions to maximum potential
  • Help rise your performance level and continuously push through limits
  • Help reveal hidden blocks, areas of focus, that may be holding you back
  • Accountability
  • Motivation
While there are many things we see on National TV that claims to give results fast and at the cost of concealing real work and effort invested, there is very little information available on things that really work.  I am a fan of Dr OZ who seem to contribute to the awareness to great health by changing lifestyles.  One of the things I have repeatedly seen him do is offer his weight loss, or lifestyle change candidates, for people to join forces with a personal trainer. 

I am glad to see this and to show people that they DO need PROPER help.  Physical activity,a and a proper plan ARE necessary to make changes.  Many set out on the journey, few follow through.  Working with someone who invests their time and efforts into  YOUR success, is a gift largest you can give yourself.  

Give yourself the gift of the best you be beginning your best relationship with you, starting with improving your physical body so you can change your life starting from the outside in.  When you take care of your body, there is inevitable changes to be taking place on the inside.  

Make a commitment to you, find a trainer that fits you, and change your life - for good...


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