Sunday, June 28, 2015

Cooking and Love

Cooking is an expression of love.
Sharing a meal, lunch, breakfast, dinner with someone is also a form of love.
Taking someone you really like to share a meal, is a form of intrigue, a privilege--and easily can be the beginning of love.
When the modern dating smarts demean it to mean everything but that, well you can look around yourself, your life and [socially conditioned] attitude and approach to dating, and you will find all your values will be laid out like your outfit for work, the night before.
What did you find?
Is it pleasing?
Is it what you want, what makes you happy and turned on?
It should be.
It was just yesterday I thought of a modern day dating guru. A man. Extremely charming, and great looking--teaching woman how to get, keep and turn on a guy.
There is absolutely nothing personal and let me say attractive, nor attracting in there. IT is more manipulative, and did not have any sensory feeling of being awakened.
How much more pleasurable is it to be awakened by the 'like' and intrigue one feels for someone else, and pursue that call simply.
Living for Love.

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