Thursday, June 11, 2015

Are Bikini/Figure Competitions really the answer to cure Eating Disorders?

Are Bikini/Figure Competitions really the answer to cure Eating Disorders?

This is for the ladies in mind, but the gent's are also invited to read and reflect.

This morning I was prompted by a post on Eating Disorders, it was in connection to the Bikini/Figure Competitions, whose season is now in full effect.

To be very clear, Bikini/Figure Competitions are NOT cure for Eating Disorders, far from it.  You may feel like it as you are getting close to contest day and you SEE the results and are feeling good about what your mirror reflects and the 'Like's you receive on social media.

Eating Disorders are the RESULT, the EFFECT of some underlying MAJOR, if not complete disconnect of the self from the Self.  It is the disintegration of one's whole being/existence at the mental, soul and physical level.   Contest Prep is like highest flammable oil one self-volitionally pours over the already lit fires--one desperately, yet foolishly attempted to control for some while.....

We have an entire industry (that is blowing up), built around this and more.
Why do we bring about more disorders and glorify it?
And claim, 'you look great!'
Yes, on stage.  Maybe.  And, from the distance.  And on images....
In reality, no. It is not pretty, it is not normal, it is not natural. It is not alive, it is not at peace, it is not happy, it is not prosperous, it is not fulfilling.

You can have it all, but you have to know what you are doing, and most importantly WHY!!!!  It may take a more frustrating, far from the mainstream 'how to'
But as you commit and follow it through your results will be beautiful, healing and healthy.......

Sending you my love.


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