Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Non-Diet Weight Loss ? YES !

What is the most common New Year's resolution?
Drummmm rolls: to lose weight.
All over the world, for people ages 22-82, the goal is the same. We all want to be healthy and fit in 2015, but most people will mistakenly turn to the latest fad diet or fitness program for help.
Here's why this is dangerous:
* 92-98% of dieters fail to lose weight long term; and worse, many diets actually make your body more prone to fat storage, so it becomes more difficult to stay thin with each passing year
You may have experienced this yourself: the yo-yo cycle of gaining and losing is counter-productive, emotionally devastating, and can lead to a lifetime of weight problems.
So what's the solution?
Since there is no one-size-fits-all answer; however, there is a new approach to weight loss has proven to be extremely effective. Rather than focusing on overeating (which is really a symptom not the cause of weight gain), this "mind-body" approach focuses on the whole person, and the environment, that "triggers" the weight problem in the first place.
The Mind-Body Weight Loss Summit, hosted by one of a fellow colleague and made available to you at no charge.  It is a fantastic resource for you to being understanding, not only the in's and out's of this fascinating journey to mond body health.  But also, discover your own path to healing, total health and wellbeing in a body you love--that also loves you back. 
During this online Summit, you'll learn mind-body weight loss techniques from 27 different experts in the field of nutrition, meditation, tapping, emotional healing, psychology, and more.
So if you or someone you know struggles with weight, don't miss this exclusive event:
See you there, and thereafter.

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