Thursday, March 13, 2014

I write into you

I wrote something, I will cite below, as part of my message to someone special, I wanted to share with you, world.  Because, I am realizing this, in this moment, right now, I write to YOU, World, every day.

I don't write to anyone in particular, I write to the Grand Oneness.
I write to You, World, Universe, Eternity, The Grand Oneness.... Whatever you want to be called.  I want to share myself with you, like I would with my lover, deep, close and intimate. Present.
I write like that.  The tweets, the facebook wordages, 
I write because that is my most naked way to express myself. 
And I have this innermost yearning to unveil myself to the world. 
I need to take it all off and show the purity of it all.
For the longest time, I was put down for this, hurt and taken advantage of.  Even labeled, stupid, too weak.
I have been laughed at, even what now looking back, abused, many times over. 
But I still need to be open. I need to feel.
I come from the heart in everything I do.
My heart is my strength, my heart is my everything.
My feelings my emotions ARE my indulgence that cannot be removed or separated for me if I want to stay alive.
Don't let you think that I don't think or that I am not smart. 
Boy, I am convinced I have one of the most brilliant Einstein-like minds out there that when left for its own devices would put anyone to shame.
What does kill me and works to destroy all this brilliance, is dishonesty, being hurt by those I love, care for, value, respect or otherwise hold in high regard.
Romantic love, oh boy, the heart break can shatter the best in me.
Being taken advantage of, you will never get back on the same page in my life, most likely never back into my life.
Thinking because I am a woman and attractive you have the free ticket to treat me like a piece of ass, while I have one, you will have just lost your dignity as man forever. 
I love men, Gosh I LOVE men. Gentlemen. Polite, classy, courteous beautiful red-blooded men.  Who love women, this means not be dogs, rather those who value and adore femininity and hence beautiful women. This is my type, the rugged, open masculine, self-respecting Hero.
And I have good solid values.  So it is the Grand Trine :)  Emotions. Thoughs. Values.
When I make a mistake I feel terrible and ashamed.
When I believe someone I believe their words on face value, 

I am old fashioned and pretty hard core.
I am intense, that scares most people off.
Intense when I am sensitive, intense when I am strong and want something.
I hate restriction, and hate being told no. 
Because everything is possible and everything that has been given life via a sheer thought IS possible it exists so why hold life back? 

This is my beauty.
This is what makes me the woman I am and am becoming.
This is my reality.
THIS is my truth.

Universe, I felt like this. Just now.
Universe, as always, I respectfully, and lovingly, I write Into You.

PS - My message for my friend was, 'Honey, You know when life inspires me? When it is real. That means sometimes it is fucked up, other times it is unbelievably delicious...and we live [FOR] the moments in between as our lives. in touch with it all.'

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