Sunday, June 12, 2011

Food A B U S E

Food abuse, this is a new almost trend we see daily, almost every piece of media will cover it in one form or another. What is it?  Well, any and all for of MISUSE of food-as the term is used nowadays.

As usual, let me come in a little stronger and louder.  Do you know WHO initiated the misuse of foods in the first place, who help us create our own forms of FOOD abuse?  The FOOD companies, the same people we trust to make our foods.  Want proof?  Open your refrigerator, look at the cereal box/bag, pull out the frozen dinner, even the 'ready to eat, frozen oatmeal breakfast' counts.  Look at the ingredient list.  How many of those items can you actually comprehend?  Let alone those you can pronounce and relate to, as to where those may be coming from? Not many.

While food manufacturers control what you will to be putting on your table to a large part, you are the one who actually makes the final decision.  Only purchase from manufacturers you ca trust.  Support your local farmers, and agricultures.  Visit sites, research to ensure even these people take pride and stand behind their products and produce.  Support life, put an end to food abuse. It is your job, it is mine, it is  OUR job.  Stop eating yourself to illness and old age.  Start eating for real, start eating for life, for wellness.  Eat mindfully, eat fresh, and wholesome, and abuse-free foods.  Eat for Life!


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