Tuesday, March 15, 2011

P H O E N I X rising

Forget logic.
Forget your past.
Open your heart.
Come with me.

The most important time in your life is when you feel it all falling at your feet; when it is breaking. It is breaking down, it is breaking away, it is breaking open, it is crumbling--what you had known it all to be, no longer is.  There is also fear, of the undefined, the unknown, the invisible, the sense of the loss spirals it all further down.   There is nothing [left], yet there is [already] an abundance that is ever so calming, not quite within your grasps.  Underneath it all, there is a thickness rising, a peace, to calm you. This is the time you are being born anew, your own phoenix rising.

~Monika Kovacs

1 comment:

bigredwaiter said...

And as the old Phoenix burns and is left in a nest of ashes a new younger Phoenix rises from the same ashes to let loose for the next 1000 years !!