Sunday, January 02, 2011

52 weeks of bodily bliss, week 46: TIME tIME time

Happy New Year all! May 2011 be your healthiest and fittest year to date, giving way to many to follow.  

I am going to pick up the pieces with the blog series talking about one of our most precious commodities: TIME.  Time is life. How we spend our time is how we spend our lives.  When it comes to making fitness a regular part of our lives, time has a lot to do with how successful we are at it. Many find the time to exercise easily, while others cross off fitness from their list 1st, in order to make room for other, "more important" things.

I am here to tell you that fitness does not have to take hours out of your day. Even if you only can take 20 minutes daily to shake things up, your time can be very well spent with some cool tools, and programs that fit YOU, and YOUR lifestyle. This is where an expert's coaching comes in great, and will help you ensure that you WILL be fit and healthy, and have a life of balance and harmony. But you have to WANT this--or the opposite will be the case.  Structure and planning are key elements to success. 

Depending on the program you follow (and you SHOULD follow one, not just complete a random exercise bouquet as you arrive to the gym), monitoring, and, or, timing your sessions is an amazing way to check your progress. Whether it is an interval program, or a mere tracking of your progress over timeI came across a smart gadget that I highly recommend for this purpose, THE GYMBOSS TIMER

THE GYMBOSS TIMER is super-convenient and versatile in its use. A guarantee to help you succeed when put to good use. In some of the next blogs I will share a few examples of how I use the GYMBOSS :) 
Get timing, and get growing !!!


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