Monday, November 29, 2010

52 weeks of bodily bliss, week 44: My Coaching + A Course In Weight Loss

I am reading the new book of New York Times best-selling author, Marianne Williamson: A Course in Weight Loss

Hay House, Inc - 180x150

Marianne's previous books have added to a great deal of my own personal development. This book has added to much of my already developed and practised ideas I like to use with people I work with. I highly recommend this work for those who are seriously ready to wake up, transform their lives, through their bodies and beyond.  

Along with this book recommendation, I am offering 1-on-1-coaching and personal training for a selected number of people, in person, or online. Please contact:  

Thank you and I am excited for your new journey through the course in weight loss. I highly recommend it.
To an amazing week.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

52 weeks of bodily bliss, week 43: Grandma + chicken breast

I lost my grandma last weekend, an in credible journey with one of the strongest women I have ever known in my life. Our mission in the physical form had a unique road to the ‘end’ yet remarkable. Amazing how a few strokes of a person’s brush over another’s character forever marks their destiny. She was THAT for me.

When we think of healthy eating, and of the top choices in lean protein, first vote usually goes for chicken breast.  Organic of course.  100 g has about 27 g protein for those interested, with very negligible fat content.

Today, I eat less and less meat; something about my being desires more ‘easy’ and ‘alive’ food for my digestive system.  Still, as athlete and former mega-meat-eater, I had chicken breast on the top of my list, as the meat of my choice.

Many would think that this is because of what I do, and that I ‘represent’ what I preach. The truth is that I lucked out.  My grandma had her own organic chicken farm behind the house, I spent a lot of my time growing up in.  One of the 'lucky ones' always ended up on the Sunday dinner table, when the family gathered.  Sunday dinner at grandmas was always of poultry.  As in many cultures, the dark meat, the juicier pieces found owners fastest, leaving the more dry and dense meat of the breast to the dogs and cats most times. 

My grandma was always the one left with the mega meats of the whites.  She didn’t need more than little ‘ole me, to grab a hold of early enough to train well lol.  She would seat me on her lap and make me believe we were the coolest pair of cats eating nothing but white meat  :)  I still recall being so small, about 4-6 years old, chewing on a big piece of meat that felt too dry (even though was from the soup she had made earlier that day from scratch), that it took me many-many minutes to chew my first little teeth through.  I can still see her happy face encouraging me to like it.  I can still hear the happy sounds she made…and her cheeks I can still recall rounding upwards on each side with her smiling :)
It came to me the other day as I contemplated her, now that she is gone, that she actually got me started with liking white meat, or chicken breast; which became my ‘signature’ choice in the family.  Later also followed as a staple lean meat/protein source in my diet…helped me to many many wins too :)

Even thought my dietary choices today are a lot different, this I thought was a cute story to share. Love, Life, and Chicken Breast.

Rest in Peace Grandma :)

Love always…

52 weeks of bodily bliss, week 42: A Course In Weight Loss

Celebrate New York Times best-selling author, Marianne Williamson's new book release: 
A Course in Weight Loss

Hay House, Inc - 180x150

I just picked up my copy and I highly recommend it.
To an amazing week.

Monday, November 01, 2010

52 weeks of bodily bliss, week 41: A Course In Weight Loss

Celebrate New York Times best-selling author, Marianne Williamson's new book release: 
A Course in Weight Loss

Hay House, Inc - 180x150

I just picked up my copy and I highly recommend it.
To an amazing week.

52 weeks of bodily bliss, week 40: PoSt SugAR hIGH

Last night was the night of all dreads, when not only the scariest creatures appear everywhere form your grocery store, to your yoga class, not to mention your own house!!!  Must have been Halloween. Since our healthy eating habits are mainly still are limited to the everyday food picks, our tiny treats are still popularly of the sugar-kinds. I can safely predict that many indulged and over indulged of these tiny-devotins and will be feeling it big time today, and even the next few days.

To combat the effects of the sugar bombs, change up your norm a little:

  • start your day with a tall glass of crisp cold water to get the body's natural cleansing processes going
  • get out there, 20-30 minutes spent in the crisp morning air will do wonders for your metabolism and will sure to start your day on a high
  • Break a few minutes each hour, during the day to walk over to the fridge etc to refresh and down a glass of cold water; total of 12 glasses by the end of the day
  • make sure to have about 5-7 small meals, most of which consisting of lean proteins, greens, grains and fruits
You may feel little change by the next morning. However, if you persist, by Wednesday you should glow, and the weekend warrior in you should be fully energized and ready to take on the world. 

While Halloween and other celebrations usually come with the sugary temptations, it is likely that we will regret the indulgence faster than we realize. Always opt for only a very small amount, or a smart and delicious alternative of my favourites, the berries or melons, drizzled with honey and roasted or raw almonds and raw chocolate on top, or go for organic chocolate mini treats... Learning to put quality over habitual quantity even into our celebrations will serve us well in the long run.

Have an amazing week launching into the crisp season of Fall.
