Tuesday, July 20, 2010

52 weeks of bodily bliss, week 28: jUST wALK aWAY

A very simple tool to use to help gauge what goes into your body is through portion control. In North America, we have a very distorted idea of what a serving of starch, protein, not to mention fat would be. For example, when we hear a handful of almonds for snack, how big of a handful are we just talking about? Believe me, it is not a very big one ...

Eating is a numbers game:calories - beyond the taste and nutritional make up. Hence, it can be a varying learning curve, person to person, to get comfortable with it, and be able to use it 'for' us...not against.

My recommendation is to get a great book as a reference tool. Or, work with a professional over a few sessions of basic nutritional counseling, to build the proper foundation of nutrition, and build your castle of physical perfection, from there. For starters that anyone can adopt right now is getting used to walking away from our plates while there is still food on it. This way, it is a definite step towards scraping off excess calories, that would otherwise end up stored. And lets face it even the smartest SPANX designs cant hide the unwanted inches as well as not wearing them in the first place.
Walk away from your plate knowing you are doing that much more for you and celebrate your wellness all around.

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