Monday, May 10, 2010

52 weeks of bodily bliss... week 19: STOP for a minute

An easy to spot and eliminate mega calorie thief, happens when we are multitasking and munching. I.e. while riving, on the phone, watching TV, studying, at the movies, the list goes on.

In our hectic lives, we are on the go a lot, or are distracted, while mastering the art of multi tasking, all day every day.  We learned to eat on the go, or even worse, soften the stress of every day life with munchies that go down with ease.  When it comes to food intake we can pack in an incredible amount of unmonitored calories when we are otherwise preoccupied.

STOP. If you want to cut out calories and stay on track, there are small rules that can easily be added to your daily routines that will not sabotage your shapely-efforts:

  1. Try to not eat while doing something else
  2. Schedule your meals, and put aside 5-15 minutes to enjoy your food, and take a break form your day
  3. bag, container your foods that are pre-measured. This way, even if you MUST eat on the go, the amount you eat will not be a secret
  4. Take frequent breaks throughout your day, so when it all gets too much, snacking will not be your immediate outlet to turn to for comfort
  5. Drink all your water 2-4 L daily.  Hydrated body does not respond so drastically, also reduces the hunger pangs and help keep your cravings in place
  6. Eat every 3 hours approximately to lessen creeping cravings 
Don't stress, rather try to implement a few of these tips so you can enjoy a more productive day and create a healthier life in the long run.

Until next time, enjoy yourself!


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