Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The 10/11 Getting Happy and Well for Christmas

I decided to take the 11 days before Christmas and give you each day, a fun, easy, lifestyle tip, as we arrive to the big day, and shortly after into 2015.  So that you may make this Holiday Season light, fun, and filled with life energy.

Today is Day 10/11.  Let's keep things fluid.  WATER.  Drink a lot of water, spread throughout your day.  Keep it simple.  Nothing less than 2L, and once that is good, set 4L as the daily aim of filtered pure crisp water. 

Water helps you stay balanced, hydrated, aids digestion, flush out toxins, even lose weight, make you regular, and brighten your skin. These are just a few bonuses. 

You know how they make cars, brief cases 'bulletproof'?  Well, make your life, environment water proof.  Plant a BPA FREE water bottle, or jug everywhere you are likely to show up.  Commit to emptying it every day.  Simple, just make it happen.

For more lifestyle tools, visit www.monikakovacs.com

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