Sunday, November 11, 2012

Skinny Snow Flake: Your Weekly Winter Waist Watcher, Vol.1: Eating Well

A fundamental aspect to great health is learning how to provide our bodies with the highest quality nutrition, in the right amounts.  With an abundance of resources of great variety of information available, this task is as challenging as it gets.  We are solely responsible for what goes into our bodies, so we better start paying attention.  A simple rule of thumb may be, if it grows live, eat it, if it does not, do not eat it.  Still confused?  Look at what you are about tot eat and the form it is in, is it close to how it would occur in it's natural state.  If yes, eat it, if not, is LEGO, play with it, but do not eat it!  

Fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains grow organically.  Processed, canned, man-altered foods are not life-sustaining, no matter what the label may say, or how well the presentation tempts your saliva to start overstimulating.  Nature and life has already provided us with everything we need to feed ourselves and to live with abundant health. The simpler we eat, the healthier we’ll be.

A sweet affirmation: I listen to my body and lovingly respond to its needs—giving it just the right amount of food, rest, and exercise.

Eating Well

Monika | |

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