Wednesday, October 24, 2012

TOP 10 Smoothies

Top 10 Smoothies
Looking for a quick and easy meal on the go? Smoothies are the perfect way to fit as much nutrition into your cup as possible and really make living healthy in the fast lane easy. Our smoothie recipes use only the best, wholesome ingredients to give your body what it needs to power through your day. Our recipes feature TrueStrength, our amazing tasting protein powder which will keep you full, making our smoothies a great choice for breakfast, snack or even post-workout recovery. Learn about how to optimize your smoothies with our recipes for healthy living success.

TOP 10 Smoothies

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Adieu, Farewell Forever is time to stop living the same old story. 
Get past my personal history.
I no longer need it, I decided. 
I give it up.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Support, Refuse, or Trust.....

If you reject [supporting] someone's work, you cannot expect for these same persons to say 'yes,' to help spread your message, for them to support your work.
I've seen this a lot lately....sort of amusing, and frankly sad.

Will it be abundance or scarcity?

It cannot be both.

Choose to be supportive.  So YOU can have more !!!
It is an abundant Universe. You must know this.