Saturday, August 20, 2011

Do you know?

You may know what's in-fashion, brand names, stars, what's the newest 'it,' or the newest 'hot spot' (...wait that may have been last week's), the 'who is who,' how to schmooze, how to fake to fit-in, how to be 'popular;' but do you know YOU? 
Who are you? Can you look yourself in the eye before the mirror? 
What do you love? Can you say "I love you," and own it? 
What do you stand for? Would you protect your purpose, your mission, and risk everything, even your life for it?
What is your purpose? Do you cherish it and cultivate it daily, or do you toss it to the side, when the waves get too high? 
What do you want? Will you set out to achieve your goal, or reach that person you absolutely cannot live without? 
What makes you come alive? Will you give your time for it, even if just an hour, every day? 
What makes you happy? Will you cherish your happiness no matter what? 
What is your worth? Do you know your worth? Will you allow yourself to be treated as 'less than,' or will you learn to stand in your own glory, no matter what or whom?
What makes you worthy? Are you enough, as your authentic-self?

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