Tuesday, September 14, 2010

52 weeks of bodily bliss, week 36: To the Power of P

This week I want to remind everyone of the power of the life forming protein. Many of us eat too little. Others tae in too much. In truth, and as a result of my experience lately, we do not really need to supplement too much. If one is in tune with their bodies they will be able to stabilize the amount their bodies need, and can metabolize, versus taking it too much that ends up only as waste.

Don't get too tangled up in the details, just use common sense and ensure that every meal you take in will contain healthy fats and a little protein. Your body's primary energy source IS carbs, the good ones, like grains fruits and veggies.  Fats are great from nuts as well, with the added protein content. Without overcooking them, get as much as you can in their natural state, fresh and raw.

I recommend Ani Phyo's book as a starter to many amazing ideas that will energize and help build your body to new levels of life:

Keep it simple and colourful, add a little protein to each meal and enjoy life and being alive.
Life, like eating, should NOT be complicated, nor unnatural.


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