Sunday, April 25, 2010

Reversing Diabetes

April 25th was Reversing Diabetes Action Day, the start of a week where health experts come together to spread accurate and effective  information on how to reverse diabetes.  In honor of this day the team behind the film  "Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days" is giving away their film for an amazing 50% OFF the regular price.  If you haven't yet seen this film, which features the actor Woody Harrelson, peak performance coach Tony Robbins,  Rev. Michael Beckwith from "The Secret," Morgan Spurlock  from "Super Size Me," Dr. Gabriel Cousens and David Wolfe, then I highly recommend you see the trailer on the page below and pick up a copy today.  You can see the trailer and read about what the Simply Raw team is doing here: 

Whether you're in perfect health or suffering with diabetes or any other health issue I highly recommend you watch this film. It's a powerful, emotional and educational film that is a must see for anyone who cares about their health. Along with offering "Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days" for 50% OFF they're also offering the companion "Raw for Life" 2 disc DVD set for 50% OFF the regular price! It's all being done in an effort to raise awareness on how to reverse diabetes and other illnesses with raw and living foods. When you pick up a copy today you'll also get a laundry list of amazing bonuses. So take a minute to watch the trailer for this amazing film by visiting the site below.

And remember, diabetes is a pandemic situation with over 246 million people suffering worldwide. If you or anyone you know is dealing with diabetes make sure that they watch this film. It just may save their life… Monika P.S. - The 50% OFF is a ridiculously low price for the film. With the bonuses they've added on it's almost a no brainer. It shows how passionate they are about getting this information out to the public. Make sure to check it out:

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