Sunday, January 31, 2010

52 weeks of bodily bliss... week 5: Say "I DO" to YOU!!!!!

Week 5, stepping into the 2nd month 

Are you still on your plan; exercising and making small efforts, every day, to improve your life?

If so, kudos to you and just keep on doing it.  
If not WHY? 
Time for a check-in [with yourself].

Check in, to check on...and, keep moving forward.

For those of you who are already off track, and have a colorful bouquet of reasons why you 'just can't do it,' it is time to get a little hard on yourself.  Lets start making a list of all the reasons why you cant, why you simply just can't.

I HAVE bee there, I get there at times, not so much in the realms of fitness, but in other, not-yet-mastered areas of my life.  It can be challenging, and takes real strength, effort, and commitment to change to keep on peeling the payers off the reality of our selves, and want to expose the perfection that lies underneath it all.  Regardless of what we find on the way there....

So what separates the hot bodied 40 some mommy of 3, with killer legs, abs etc, from the one who can't seem to stop worrying about her weight long enough to whip up a healthy meal?

Their commitment to doing whatever it takes to achieve and live their goal!!!
Time to get a pen and paper out and begin writing...
Why did you stop on your way, what caused you to lose focus? It's OK, we all get that way, but let's re-track and revise:

Is is a bad day at work? 
Is it a fight with your sweetheart? (What you don't have a sweetheart??? Something is terribly wrong with you ;)  KIDDING!!!!!!!)
Is it you got burnt out?
Is it you got tired?
Is it that you thought your body was going to change over night?

Start listing your reasons, why you may not be following your plan. 
Paint YOUR perfect picture on what is going on - for you. 

It is your life, no matter how foggy the picture at times can seem, at the end of the day, or if you need longer, the next day, or the week after, you will have to make peace with the idea that your life is your friend, it is here for you to do whatever you want with it.  You are born to shine and succeed.  Get the light back in front of you and move towards it.

Remember your goal, remember the reasons you set out the path.  Check your downfalls and weak areas? Find where you need help.  Do you need a nutritionist, a trainer, a training plan, a coach?  You will need something or someone who can see you through your path darling. 

Now get back onto it.  List the reasons you strayed, find the exact help you need, go for it today.  MAke the call, send the email, book the appointment, and follow through. Get back on track!!!!  Commit to you, say your "I DO" to you.  To the best IN you.  

Until next time, check in to keep checking on ....

Thursday, January 28, 2010

DailyBliss ...

"People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so out of control that you have to transform your life..."
- Elizabeth Gilbert, best-selling author of "Eat, Pray, Love"

A *must read*  or *must listen* for the audio book lovers...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

52 weeks of bodily bliss... week 4: shut your eyes...

Week 4, and some of you may be feeling the drill.  There are mornings you are more tempted to slam the snooze button back in it's place, or even to say, 'nah...this fitness and weight loss thing is not for me,' or even, 'I was born to be over weight, I am not one of the lucky ones...'

There are many reasons to feel this way, I sure have my mornings where I am more tempted to sleep in, than to get my arsenals to the fitness club.  What can be the reason we feel this way?  Could it be, that you did not have a good plan?  Could it be that you were convinced, you KNEW what to do, and decided that what a personal trainer CAN and WOULD do for you was just too small of a value, that you decided to set out on the journey on our own, and now you are stuck?  Or could it be that you are over extended yourself, thought it was a 'do or die,' and went out full throttle...just to burn out completely?  Well if this latter is that case, you are not alone, but there is hope.

Contrary to popular beliefs, the time and work spent exercising is just as important, as time dedicated to rest and recovery.   Without proper recovery, the body will not grow or progress, it will eventually break down and create the opposite outcomes, from what was desired.  Let's go back in time. As newborns, most of the days are spent sleeping.  As you age, you usually spend about a third of your life sleeping, and that time decreases as time progresses beyond 50, 70, and so on.

Sleep is essential - for survival.   If sleep is neglected, many issues arise.  Such as, fatigue, depression, burn-out, short-temperedness, headaches, even heart problems.  Not to mention, trying to cut corners on sleep, the basic bodily functions easily get confused and begin to slow down.  All mammals require sleep, or hibernation, in order to recharge and refresh.

So what can you do, set a routine, plan ahead, and stick to it.  Create proper, digressional sleep-ritual activities you engage in, before bed time.

  • Go to sleep at the same time every night
  • Turn off all phones, computer etc.
  • Read, pray,  meditate etc. that helps your mind become at ease
  • Strive for good sleep hygiene
  • If all else fails take a nap in abt. 8 hrs from waking in the morning
  • Avoid exercising, taking decongestants, alcohol or heavy meals late in the day
It may take a few weeks to create a routine and there will always be days the order, just simply will not be there.  Do not get discouraged, but pick yourself back up the next chance you get. 

Train, sleep, live, repeat...

To your health...


Saturday, January 23, 2010

52 weeks of bodily bliss... week 3: a secret to fat loss and optimal health

Week 3 is here.  The regular exercise as part of your life must be empowering and you should feel and look better by now, even have shed a few pounds.  Are you reviewing your goal regularly?  I hope so.  So you can ensure you ARE on track, and staying right there :)

This week I want to touch on a key element to weight  loss, feeling and looking great: water.  

Many, including my immediate family/friends suffer from serious physical challenges, that could easily be changed by adding more water to their daily regime.  Water being so simple, seemingly negligible, and let's admit, almost taken for granted, plays a crucial role in the health of the body.

Water is an essential element for survival.  An adult body consists of 60-70% water.  You could literally go without food for almost two months, but only a few days, without water.  Most people, adults AND children aren't sure how much water they should consume, thus many live in a constant dehydrated state.  Not drinking enough water creates many problems; such as, excess body fat, poor muscle tone, digestive complications, muscle soreness, water-retention problems to name a few.  

Further, without water, You'd be poisoned to death by your own waste products.  Kidneys' function in removing uric acid and urea, use water to dissolve these.  If there isn't enough water, waste is not removed effectively, and may build up and cause kidney stones.  

Water is also vital for chemical reactions in digestion and metabolism.  It carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells through the blood and helps to cool the body through perspiration.  Water also lubricates the joints.  All these functions are reversed when dehydration is present.

You even need water to breathe:  the lungs must be moist to take in oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide.  It is possible to lose a pint of liquid each day just exhaling.

When your body does not move, the water inside the body becomes stagnant, creating a breeding ground for disease.   As you move your body with exercise, you stir the water, refreshing your body, renewing energy, and regaining strength.

So, switch that juice box or soda can to a tall glass of crisp filtered water. Flavor it with lemon, lime, many even put mint leaves, berries, or citrus fruits in the water jug to keep things interesting and yummy ;)   

So, how much to drink.   the simplest rule of thumb is the "8 x 8" That is 8 glasses of 8 oz for eh average person. For those who exercise, desire to lose weight or are of larger frame, can double this amount.  

For many drinking more water is a huge challenge.   Start small, start doubling your now normal intake.  If you do not drink any water now, let's celebrate that with a fresh chilled tall glass of h2o.   Not sure how much you drink start raising awareness of this.  No matter your state, become aware of your water intake and adjust to desired amounts. 

Enjoy the benefits of your conscious effort invested in YOU.

Have a tall crisp glass!  Cheers!!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

52 weeks of bodily bliss: week 2: Your Goal

My first tip for the "52 weeks of bodily bliss" was movement. I hope you have been keeping with your 30-a-day, and are feeling stronger by the day.  

For week 2, I want to jump back a little. While you are already committed to moving, I want to remind you that without knowing where you are headed you may never get there. How does this relate to movement, fitness, weight loss, and lifestyle changes? 

One of the reasons many people fail succeed on their fitness journeys is because they don't know where they are headed, how much weight they want to lose etc. Without a specific goal success will never be.

For many, setting goals is easy, for others, it is a little more challenging.
Let's get our pens and papers out and write down our main goal. For those who have more than one, list them in order of importance.

For example, Mary wishes to lose weight. She met with me for a consultation and we determined that while her health, in general, was good, she was carrying quite a 'bit of excess weight. We took her measurements, weight, body-fat etc. We assessed her lifestyle, and concluded, that based on her information given to me, and the numbers I gathered, she has the following things she wants to change:
  1. She wants to lose 80 lb. by December 2010
  2. She wants to exercise 3-5 times weekly with a personal trainer.
  3. She wants to learn proper nutrition and adopt the habits that support it
  4. She wants to celebrate her goal achievement by taking a trip to Hawaii in December with her sweetheart
  5. She wants to treat this process as a permanent lifestyle
If you carefully look at the fashion in which the goals are set, Mary set measurable goals, and got specific. This will help Mary map out her direction that she is headed in, track her progress (retract if needed), evaluate and restart, and just keep on going.

She knows she needs the professional guidance. Therefore she prepares herself, gathers the tools and the information she needs, and moves towards her goal - never letting go of the end she set out to achieve.

Sit down, take a few minutes to map out your path of fitness the coming year. Be specific, get real, and serious, about your goal, your self, and your life. Place your goal in a place where you see it a number of times throughout the days.

For those of you who need assistance in your pursuit, I can personally help mapping out a plan of actions.  For those interested, to work with me one on one, or would like to purchase a customized training and dietary plans, please email me at

Time to step up, get serious, and keep on moving.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

52 weeks of bodily bliss... week 1: get moving

I am back from a month long break all refreshed.  For 4 weeks I did not exercise or diet. I was spending time in an environment that did not allow for the fitness lifestyle easily.  Hence, I did my best, and worked with what I had.  Enjoying every bit of the experience including Xmas indulgent guilt free, and without weight gain. 

How did I do it?  No gimmicks no tricks I promise.  Simply an educated simple approach.  I have, throughout the years, and with the help of top professionals, acquired the knowledge and understanding of how the body wrks, what it needs and the proper approach to truing and nutrition. Every mansion needs a strong base.  So does the body.

Understanding the body and enjoying good health are a learning process, one's commitment to it- honoring and attending to, on a daily basis.  Acquiring new skills and habits, making them all part of the daily life.  I trained this golden machine to work for me and not against me.  Throughout the years, I constantly adopt to new life habits, learn new ways to improve my already acquired skills and expand knowledge and enhance the results.  Starting small and building up gradually...  You can do the same thing too. Think about it, If every week you add 1 small healthy habit to your routine, you'll have 52 new health habits and a world of a difference by the end of the year.

From this week on, I will be giving you a new tip weekly to help you on your journey.  I welcome your feedback in the comment section. 

week 1:  get moving

Yes you guessed, I need you moving. Not a lot, only 30 min per day. This can be anything, a walk (15 out somewhere, 15 minutes back), jog, interval run/walk outdoors, or on the treadmill.  You decide.  Even house work can do the trick. As long as you are engaging in something that truly moves you from head to toe and helps you break a sweat.  If you prefer something more lower impact, grab a great yoga DVD from, and help yourself into your living room for some me-time.

If 30 minutes is a lot to ask, break it into two 15 min sessions, one in the morning, one after dinner.  The choice is yours, but do choose something you like to do so you will stick to it.  If you do this, guaranteed you will see changes in the way you look; as well as, the way you feel. 

For those of you who are wishing to work with me one on one, or would like to purchase a customized training routine, please email me at

*Before you set out to exercise or make any new changes in your routine it is smart to check with your doctor. 

Move and have fun. 

2010 is a year of new beginnings, exceptional things/ experiences/ 
people, amazing love...  A brand new me, a brand new level of growth. 
A commitment to serve my higher self and do, 
and act in accordance to only that.  There is so much power in 
self fulfillment, living according to the best in the self only.