Sunday, September 20, 2009

Metaphor of a Long Stem ROSE

"The difference between a friendship and a romance can be illustrated with the image of a long stemmed rose:

The stem is the friendship; the blossom the romance.

Because the ego is sensation-oriented, our focus automatically goes to the blossom. But all the nourishment that the blossom needs in order to live) reaches it through the stem. The stem might look boring in comparison, but if you take the blossom off the stem it will not last for long.

I shared that image in a lecture once, and a woman then added a lovely thought: A long-term romance is like a rose bush. In any given season, a blossom might fall off. But if the plant is well nourished, then the season will come around again, and new blossoms appear. "

_Excrept from Marianne Williamson: A Return to Love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I shall afford will disagree